10 years of Wine Berserkers--what does it mean to you?

Excuse a noob for posting in this thread, but to me in my limited time here, this is a quite important observation, that is also sort of rare in the online message board world. I think it’s due in large part to the many OG posters here such as all of you who set the tone of how the board should operate.

Also may not hurt that’s it’s almost exclusively grown adults talking about an expensive hobby, as opposed to say, testosterone fueled youngsters arguing about college football.

Great, very knowledgeable community and have met some wonderful people, Todd and Frank among them. One of my treasured memories was the ability to spend an incredible day with Nola, Juan and Nolita in Spain. Where else but here could a stranger from halfway around the world get treated like a king? Thank you Nola!
Recommendations from this board have helped enormously in our enjoyment, not just in wine, but in travel and dining recommendations. At a time when it feels like so much of what we see on line is gamed, the recommendations here have never failed us.

If they were any good, they’d be billing in .25 hr increments…

Haha, can’t do that under Florida Bar rules. Not precise enough.

I have only been around these parts since 2012 and mostly lurk. I have learned a bunch here, have spent too much money on wine because of what I learned, and have had a good time with some of you. In all, it has been a great time and I look forward to many more years of it.

Thanks Brother, become a GCC member! champagne.gif

I only wish I had learned more from this board 10 years ago. The endless hours of entertainment, the scandals, Rudy, Premier Cru, the rise of Burgundy, who knew wine could be so compelling? And I agree that Bill Klapp is probably the greatest insult comic since Don Rickles.

Make yourself at home again Bill, troll somebody!

The site has been welcoming to all types of wine appreciation and though I have only been on for 5 years, I too, feel like I was able to streamline some of my education process. Berserker day has been a great introduction to makes I would never find on my own. Plus the shared experience.shared or witnessed.

WB is not only the glass half full, it is the glass half full of the good shit.

For me, it’s been a great way to make and maintain friendships. It’s always fun to finally put a face with the name of someone you’ve only “met” here. I’m also struck by how many more people read and never post and still follow what happens here, then introduce themselves IRL, which is always neat.

I absolutely love this site. The knowledge of members on all types of topics is simply amazing. Love learning and this site fits me perfect. Look forward to visiting every day. Looking forward to another 10 more!

10 years of WB…seems longer, like most of my life. But it has really only been 10 years. Todd does deserve credit, credit for giving us a playground where we can have not so serious and very serious conversations and not just about wine but about life and all aspects of getting through. From posts about favorite watches to tributes to Bob Wood, John Gardner and Ron Kramer to threads that are just funny puns or someone taking the task of organizing an offline. We had a time where Todd had guest speakers from amazing wineries to field questions and provide an avenue to learn more about wine. We’ve rallied our own like Linda, and the fire last year and the Stonekings, to sweet little Anna McKinney and so many more. But it is so much more than this, it is a community in so many aspects.

For me it is where I have felt comfortable, appreciated and accepted. I have been to a few offlines, New York, Chicago, San Fran, Cleveland, Boston, Delaware and I sure a number of other places. I’ve had the chance to meet many WB’s. Some have even ventured to visit me in Spain, Jud Reis, Peter Kleban and Frank Deis. It’s always been about the community, you guys and yes my few and far between women that make up a very rich and strong minority that has made this community of people, friends. Friends help you get through the rough times, but also give you a great belly laugh or a reason to think. This community is rich and diverse and fun and serious and actually quite lovely.

I have a substantial debit of gratitude to all my friends here, your patience and kindness to me especially over the past year and a half has been outstanding Thank you everyone who rallied Juan, Nolita and me.

Yeah only more than 30,000 posts.

Boiled down,

About 1000 posts - a nice mix of sharing TNs, market knowledge, very occasionally getting away with being nasty when I really need an outlet for my frustrations, asking questions, and discussing and learning quite a bit.

Most recently, Gregory and a few others helping me build very quickly a fine assortment of Piedmont wines as I put the finishing touches on the cellar in terms of major purchases. Even after over 20 years at this- there is still much I can learn, and there are many regions unexplored.

Probably 10-12 offlines, 3 of them resulting in new tasting group associations I am happy to maintain to this day.

At least 20-30 new good wine friends who I have met and tasted with in person.

The balefiring (essentially permanent banishment from my life for non-WOT readers) of 3 individuals I thought I knew better than I really did a decade ago.

Retailer check threads beyond count that were very helpful (in one direction or the other.)

If at times with posts too full of conjecture from armchair quarterbacks, probably the best thread in existence for people to really understand what happened with the Rudy saga and how it affected the entire market, how his presence enabled many other counterfeiters, how the markets responded over time, and lessons to be learned going forward. Don is to be highly commended for this effort, and to this day I often send new collectors to read that thread before they go out into the secondary market to buy high end wine. We may disagree on where it is okay to buy these days- but facts are facts, and it is good they are accumulated here in one place.

All in all- a good decade for me, and probably the best forum I have seen over time. Squires was this good for quite a long time, but WB is the only other one that has met and exceeded that standard plus shows signs of going forward in the same spirit. No internet forum is perfect, but at the end of the day just about everyone I have ever known of any note in the online wine world is here now along with many new faces- and whatever you are drinking, you will find something useful here along with someone who will tell you that you have no taste :slight_smile: Gotta love it.

WB has been an immense source of knowledge and entertainment. A refreshing break from the drudgery of an overfilled email in-box. More often lately it’s the other way around: that in-box is a brief interruption in the pleasant daydream of WB posts. I’ve met a few great people in person. Time and offline life have prevented me from meeting more, but I feel like I know many more.

While Todd gets, and richly deserves, most of the credit for providing this playground, schoolhouse, and sometimes, octagon, it would be a mistake not to note the others who help (gently) moderate and provide backend support to keep this place running smoothly. It takes a village. Or une ville.


Todd, it would be useful for you to provide a list of those others so they could get proper recognition/hazing.

Berserkers is a great moniker, and I have had the pleasure of meeting a bunch. Usually very passionate afficionados of the grape, but as some of you may have guessed there are a couple down right weirdos too. It takes all sorts though.

Thanks to Todd and the crew for their time and effort in making this a safe place to run with scissors.

Fantastic idea, though I stated many times I didn’t want this to be a ‘thanks’ thread, particularly to me. However, thank the snot out of the moderators and ‘helpers’, who are:

‘Full’ Moderators: Jorge Henriquez and Charlie Fu
Username/Registration Moderator: Sherri Shapiro
Super Mega BerserkerDay Helper Guy: Brig Campbell
Master of Tech: Ed Murray