I finally got my stash. A small six pack from a local retailer. All Lafarge stuff is hard to come by this year.
This wine is just as I remember at La Paulee. Mineral driven. Really pure crystalline red fruit on the nose and palate. There is a special gear here on the finish. Not unlike the Clos des Chenes in that sense which is a very special wine.
I picked up the final three bottles from this retailer languishing today after capturing the first three. I thought they would only give me three. Not exactly true. The Chateau des Ducs was oversubscribed by cases. I was the only taker on the Mitans.
Volnay is really a standout in 2009, I think the village style really meshes well with the vintage style. Never had Lafarge but with de Montille and d’Angerville handy I don’t have much motivation to go looking.
Thanks Marty. There is a certain urologist that will probably complain! It is a very special wine. The Clos des Chenes was the other one that slayed me in SF.