09 Lafarge Volnay Mitans

I finally got my stash. A small six pack from a local retailer. All Lafarge stuff is hard to come by this year.

This wine is just as I remember at La Paulee. Mineral driven. Really pure crystalline red fruit on the nose and palate. There is a special gear here on the finish. Not unlike the Clos des Chenes in that sense which is a very special wine.

I picked up the final three bottles from this retailer languishing today after capturing the first three. I thought they would only give me three. Not exactly true. The Chateau des Ducs was oversubscribed by cases. I was the only taker on the Mitans.

Luck prevailed!

Very nice

Lafarge, along with D’angerville, are my go to Volnay producers.

Nice note Don. I like de Montille recent Mitans as well FWIW.

Benjamin Leroux’s 09 Mitans is also exceptional Don and relatively easy to procure.

Lots of wine-searcher sources but pricey

Okay, Don, I am convinced. A “special gear” sounds good. Maybe I won’t sell the rest of my allocation … except to you. Thanks for the good note. [cheers.gif]

Volnay is really a standout in 2009, I think the village style really meshes well with the vintage style. Never had Lafarge but with de Montille and d’Angerville handy I don’t have much motivation to go looking.

Thanks Marty. There is a certain urologist that will probably complain! It is a very special wine. The Clos des Chenes was the other one that slayed me in SF.

There might be more than one urologist who complains, but it won’t be this one. I got my share of Lafarge… [wow.gif]

And this urologist is trying hard to resist post-05 reds.