08/21 Offline (FORMERLY BRASA location moved) and afterparty at MYplace :-)

Originally this was going to be at Brasa–a redux in celebration of my first Berzerkers offline, with a quaint afterparty at my bachelorette pad, which is one block away. Problem: Brasa has shut down! Never fear, we are keeping the theme intact and dining at Cafe Brasil, just a little bit further down on Venice. And afterwards, I am opening up my casa for a post-Berzerker “afterparty.” You may drink more, or, if you just want to chill and grab coffee, that is optional as well. I have water, too! :slight_smile: Also, I wanted to introduce a new palate in the mix, my friend Stephanie Jackson. She’s rad. We met taking the WSET Advanced study course together and have been friends in the vine ever since. You’ll love her.

When: August 21st, thinking 7:30 pm to give time for those who need to fight traffic.

Where: Cafe Brasil
10831 Venice Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA
NO CORKAGE! (you may want to bring stems)

Theme: Since Stephanie has spent some time in Argentina, she has some great wines to offer from there. I think an Argentinean theme might be a fun and unusual twist to our normal offlines, and given heavy, meaty Brasilian food—the heavy meats (yes, I KNOW IT’s BRAZILIAN)–a great match. If you object and have something you are dying to open, feel free to be creative and go against the grain. But let’s try to stay on theme :slight_smile:

Afterwards almost anything goes … if all attendees come over, it will be a cozy little fiesta and I’m having my gal who is Queen of the cupcakes make me a fat selection of made-with-love S’more cakes, too.

Capping it at 12, 2 SPOTS LEFT:

Attendees thus far:

1.) Stephanie Jackson
2.) ME!–Torrontes, of course!
3.) Frank Tota–1977 Weinert Malbec Estrella
4.) Lisa Lovullo
5.) Bruce Leiserowitz
6.) Todd French (MAYBE)
7.) Andrew Weber
8.) Veronica Castro
9.) Kriss Reed
10.) Wetrock
11.) Kimberly Cabot
12.) John Cabot

Waitlist: None
You may state your wine or keep it as a surprise.


Oooooo, oooooo, oooooo!

Me! [dance-clap.gif]

FANTASTIC, Kriss. It ill be good to toast with ya again.

John and I will be in town and would love to meet you all. grouphug If there is still room we would like to be added to the list.

Fantastic! Event closed! Wait list only. Can’t wait to meet you!

Thanks for the warning!

Final list updated–Kriss, Kimberly, John and Cris W. are in.



Just a reminder that I am not able to make your event. I forgot that I already have plans both day and night. . . .I have a calendar, I just need to write in it! I’m sorry I won’t get a chance to meet John and Kimberly!! [cry.gif] Have a great time at dinner and at the after party!!!

Sorry! Haven’t been able to log in all weekend. List is updated.

We are on! I’ll send out a confirmation later this week. Kriss, John and Kimberly–PM me with your email addresses so I can include you.

Updated again. Todd–LMK if you are yay or nay! grouphug

We’d love to see ya, Todd!

As would I - don’t see it likely, though. All my travels lately are not exactly putting me on the road to freedom.

Aren’t you coming a bit further south at all?

Unfortunately not. We have to be up in San Fran for Family Winemakers on Sunday, and the kids are back to school on Wed. There is never enough time down here. I didn’t make it to OC at all this trip. [swearing.gif]

Good times! Cafe Brasil was pretty good though I do think the food at Brasa was definitely better. It was great hanging with everyone again and seeing some new faces. Todd, glad you made it! It’s always fun to throw back some juice with ya’. BTW, where did you get those dance moves? Move over Travolta! [welldone.gif]

My WOTN without question was the 1977 Weinert Malbec Estrella. Delish!

Sarah, thanks for pulling this all together and letting us raise the roof at your new pad. Woot!

It’s ALWAYS fun to hang with Lisa Love!! We sure missed her at Berserkerfest…

Sarah, thanks for hosting, and letting us turn your bachelorette pad into a dance floor.

When the pics come out (Cabots?), there should be some interesting views.

A great evening. Thanks all, and especially Sarah.

I don’t think I’ve heard the WKRP in Cincinnati theme song in 15 years, at least. Need to go find that on iTunes!

And some neat wines, most of which I’d never had before. That dessert tannat was one of the strangest wines I’ve encountered. I’m dying to know if it was at all adulterated or if they really got that much chocolate flavor out of the grapes…I suspect they might have, based on some mocha-smelling non-dessert wines I’ve tried.


It was my first wine from Uraguay, that chocolatinomochalatte dessert one.

Baby, if you’ve ever wondered…wondered, whatever became of me…

WHy is there blood on my floor? LOL!

Epic party.

not joking about the blood either. Did someone cut their foot?

And there is marshmallow cream frosting on my eye glasses, lol!

No way! LOL

Are you sure it wasn’t that mochachocatino dessert wine from Uraguay?