Decent wine shop near Nashville airport?

Traveling to Kentucky via Nashville. Don’t want to check 2-3 cases. Shipping to KY doesn’t appear to be much of an option either. So might there be a good wine shop near the airport or close to my drive out on 24?

I like this one. No affiliation other than I like one of the owners.

Woodland Wine Merchant in East Nashville. About 10-15 mins from the airport.

Thanks. Looks to be right off my route so adds only a few minutes. No on-line inventory but from the blog and Instagram I don’t think there should be any problem filling out a few cases. Looks like a winner.

Brian…Nashville is generally weak on wine shops…and your route limits it further. Woodland is a good option, though if you are looking for a wider selection of daily drinkers you can also hit Frugal McDoogal…they may even have inventory online, plus you can occasionally find a gem there.

Thanks Adam. Its only a week and 4 couples so I don’t need a huge selection. Especially if I buy in multiple bottle increments which I will probably do. I think Woodland looks like the choice for me. The only risk there is that I go over my target and buy too much.