Chicago 5/12-5/15

I’ll be up there for business, but can be free any of these nights. Be fun to do something in a Burgundy space–especially white, but I’m up for anything. Could also do something in West Lafayette, if folks prefer.

That sounds good! I don’t have much White Burg but I have plenty of Red, with a lot of older vintages. Maybe aged red burg?

Red Burg fine with me; any thoughts about venue?

I have a few places in mind. Do you know approximately where you’ll be staying in the city?

Any plans? I can possibly
Make 5/12

Hi Clayton,

It looks like something may be coming together for Friday 5/13. Any chance you can join? Things are still in flux, when things shake out, I’ll post here.


Looks like I’ll be camping that day, so sadly out.

Have fun though!

You, too, Clayton,
We’re all set, but maybe next time?