LTB Screaming EAgle - all vintages - loose btls or 3 packs

Aloha Berserkers,
Recent activity has really emptied our cupboards.
We are looking to purchase all vintages - as loose bottles /or 3 packs.

Provenance is essential, you must be the original owner, we do not want to deal in merchandise that there is any question of.

We can show you the math - you will be left with more money when you bring your S.E. to us then to any auction house.
Auction houses work on 24 - 27% , we try to average 15%. You can do the math and figure out the difference that goes into your pocket.


“there is no magic or hidden formula to our pricing. We work on approx… 15% - and sell just below retail or Wine Searcher Low. So we are paying 15% below retail, plus the cost of shipping .”

When I watch auctions (to follow the prices) I feel bad - with the return Collectors are leaving on the table.
I am not criticizing auctions, the overhead they spend requires the 25% or more size bite they must take.

We pay in advance, there is no wondering what you will receive. There are no delays. We make the transaction easy.

If you have 2nd Flight we have clients who ask us for it, however, you will not make any real profit. We do not advertise for it as we cannot even add 10% and it is so time consuming.

anyway, if you have some Eagles, please email me directly, please do not ask me to conduct business through this site…
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