Australian truffles from Urbani

I have a short history with Australian truffles; mostly a war of attrition with my late cat Oliver. The Cat and the Truffle - Epicurean Exploits - Food and Recipes - WineBerserkers

I ordered a couple of ounces from Urbani, which arrived yesterday. And today I got an e mail from them urging me to put my thoughts on Social Media. So here they are:

  1. The two kittens couldn’t care less. Slices of truffle were offered and ignored. Added to kielbasa and the sausage was eaten the truffles left on the side of the bowl. Rhys did give a cautious lick, but decided that he did not like it, and left it.

Sometimes the kittens go back to their uneaten food for a snack, but the truffle slices remained untouched and unloved for the rest of the afternoon.

  1. The truffles were good. Scrambled eggs with chives for breakfast are so much better with several slices of truffle. Small potatoes with a dash of sour cream and sliced truffle did nothing for my waistline but were addictive.

  2. If you are buying from Urbani beware the $30 ground shipping charge for two ounces and a couple of freezer packs, which had melted by the time it reached me.

how do Australian truffles compare to the rest? Flavorful and pungent like the French and Italian or less exciting, like Oregon?

Flavorful. I think these were incredibly good. Even more pungent than Perigord; one of the three probably the best I have ever had.

I am less enthused by the vendor Urbani. I had five e mails from them after my purchase; three asking me to do a survey, and two urging me to put buying experience and product on social media. When I wrote my OP, it was only three.

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I recently made chicken liver pate poached in Aubert Chardonnay leftovers and then mixed with chopped black truffles in oil that were also left over and got lost at the back of the refrigerator. Outstanding. I want more truffles.