Target temp for well marbled Morgan Ranch Waygu?

I have an extremely well-marbled Waygu steak to grill tonight. I’m thinking that te fat level is so high that the internal temp should be a bit more than normal, maybe about 135, when I would normally pull it at 125. Any thoughts?

what is the cut and how are you serving it?

I cook them the same as any other steak, pull between 120-125, if cooking direct.

Most commonly I cook them in the APO at 130 with no steam until 100 internal than sear on BGE for 2 min a side.

I cook them indirect flipping every 5 minutes, pull at 105° and let site for 5 minutes. Then back over direct heat to sear. Comes out perfect from edge to edge.

Reverse sear, best way to assure all the inner fat is somewhat rendered. Either Tuite’s grill method or in the oven at 225 degrees until interior is 120 degrees, pan sear

120 is probably a bit warm unless you’re only searing for a few seconds a side, the carryover from 120 will likely take you to medium rare without a sear. APO works a lot better than conventional oven because you can use an air temp of only 130 to prevent as much carryover.

I do this on all thicker steaks, to assure the inside isn’t ‘blue’ and the fat renders. 115-120 and then only about 10 seconds each side, never had a steak go up to 135 resting yet.

Don’t have an APO but it would be perfect for this, yeah, though you’d have to keep it in there for quite a while!

Regardless, Jay, do some form of low-and-slow with this, be it oven, grill, APO, or sous-vide (though I don’t like how fat renders in a sv) so you can get all that delicious fat rendered when you eat it

I feel like such a slob. Timing? Temperature? Ha! Last night I tossed a Morgan Wagyu ribeye into the oven at 250 for 10 minutes, got distracted, have no idea how long it was actually on there, then rushed it to the grill, which again caught fire (see prior post on this issue), so whatever timing I had planned went out the window. I had to turn the grill off while everything blazed for a bit, and - the steak was MAGNIFICENT. I think that if these steaks aren’t idiot proof, they’re at least idiot-resistant. Todd, thanks for tipping us off to Morgan - they are easily the best, most consistent steaks and burgers I’ve had.

So your steak could have been in the oven for 15 minutes…or 2 hours?

You bring up a good point. Might still be in there now. I’ll go look.


To get to the heart of the question rather than the numbers - I think wagyu is better closer to medium rare than rare. That level of fat needs activation, in my opinion.

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Apo doesn’t take a long time to get steak to temperature because of convection; last time I did one it took probably about 45 min to an hour to get hanger steaks or a tomahawk to the 100-110 degree mark.

I sear for quite a bit longer on a grill to get flavor so don’t let the temperature go as high.

It doesn’t take very long to use a 200 degree convection oven to reverse sear. The key is ensure your steaks are salted on the counter for an hour (or two for double thick cuts) and are already in the 60-65 degree range before the oven. No sense throwing them in there at 35 degrees.

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Usually I’ll let it come to temp on the counter but I’ll dry brine 2-24 hours in advance so not always, it will still come to temp fast in the APO and the dry heat allows an even better sear.

100%. We cook ours maybe 1 minute per side longer than we would a non-wagyu steak.

agreed, for sure

I’ll go out on a limb and say that the older I get the more I like all steaks medium rare.