Farm Messed up and I now have a ton of Radishes

The wonderful farm we order our produce from every week made a mistake this week. I ordered two BUNCHES of Bora King Radishes (a medium sized purple daikon hybrid), and they accidentally delivered two 1/2 BUSHELS! So I have an entire bushel of Bora King Radishes.

I plan to make some quick pickles, of course, and some Korean Kimchi, using this recipe, which I know Charlie has also used. The purple radishes may make it look funny, but I don’t imagine there will be any negative impact on flavor.

I will also braise some and roast some, and maybe put some in a soup as I would with daikon, but I’ve love some other ideas!
Anyone have suggestions? Preference for cooked or pickled rather than straight raw.


Chinese turnip cake? They’re made with daikon but maybe it’ll work since these are daikon hybrids.

This is completely unhelpful, but this reminded me of the kind of problem that is perfect for the fine folks at Mousebat, Follicle, Goosecreature, Ampersand, Spong, Wapcaplet, Looseliver, Vendetta & Prang. Adrian Wapcaplet in particular would be ideal.

at least you didn’t order 2 pails and get 2 pallets. You may never eat another radish after this.

Fortunately, I love kimchi and it keeps forever.

I did some quick pickles with apple cider vinegar, mustard seeds, peppercorns and fennel seeds and put the slices in tonight’s salad. Delicious.

I was just about to respond that you should quick pickle them. But it looks like you beat me to the punch. How about a slower pickled radish that you can, supposing you are into canning/preserving.


I beat you from the start - I listed quick pickles in the OP as well. :wink: Agreed on the slower ferment, and I’ll probably do some lacto fermented as well.

This is a great idea, thanks!

I’d love to hear how they turn out if you make them!

Compost the extra radishes, and give as a green gift back to the farm.