Out of left field - sous vide abalone

They sell live abalone at H-Mart in Hartsdale. I was talking to the waiter about it at Sushi Yasuda last week trying to figure out how to cook it. He said if overcooked, it because inedible. He said that they sous vided (not proper French conjugation) it. Anyone have any recommendations, because I really want to try the abalone?

The best Abalone dish I have had was at Noma Australia. It was simmered in Koji Oil and then Schnitzeled. I think it was tenderized. My wife did a pretty good interpretation of it.

The fresh Abalone I had in Yanggu, South Korea, even tasted good cooked on a simple outdoor grill on someone’s balcony. Of course, it was preceded by a lot of whiskey and soju.

I went ab diving yearly in northern CA but the closures put that on hold. Farmed are usually smaller and crunchier so sous vide is a good idea. If you can, try to get the biggest abs you can. It’ll be worth the money. My favorite preps were not adding too many outside flavors - slicing and sauteing in butter, sometimes add garlic and lemon, sometimes a light flour dust, cold and hot smoking and sashimi.