Wine Berserkers Cookbook?

I think Mr French should publish a cookbook with recipes from his subscribers. It might be a fun project and a cool way to raise some $$$. Some basic guidelines could keep it practical. Thoughts?

My dad?


PMFJI, but I can’t resist elucidating by name dropping. Some friends and I met the sportswriter, and esteemed scorekeeper, Red Foley. We said, “pleased to meet you Mr. Foley.” To which he replied, “Mr. Foley is my father, call me Red.”

The cookbook is a great idea, the pecan pie recipe alone should make it a best seller.

I’m Todd.

Mr. French is my dad!

Are Buffy and Jody your siblings? :wink:

This has been brought up a couple times before, I think the issue was mostly the ‘book’ issue - printing a book, which is becoming more and more rare, and having enough interest to make a printing reasonable.


That was my thinking also.

FWIW, if Mr French is Todd’s
father, Buffy & Jody would be the children of Todd’s
dad’s boss. #factsbeforefriendship

Still think it could work, but alas looks like I am wrong. I guess I will just settle on collecting them for myself.

You should do a dish + suggested wine pairing, like they did (still do?) on the last page of Wine Spectator.

My Flannery umami burger + Carlisle zin…

Broccoli Rice Casserole