Who moved my (French) cheese?

It seems that Whole Foods needs to send its graphic designers back for some remedial geography. In a display map for the chain’s cheese departments, they put every single named cheese in the wrong place – typically at the far end of the country from where it’s made – and put no cheeses in Normandy or Brittany. Needless to say, the natives are not happy.

(I’d post the amusing map, but the upload function is still broken and WB won’t link to the photo of the map.)

It all brings to mind De Gaulle’s wonderful quote: “Comment voulez-vous gouverner un pays qui a deux cent quarante-six variétés de fromage?” ("How can you govern a country which has two hundred and forty-six varieties of cheese?)

Reminds me of yet another quote “There are in England sixty different religions and only one sauce.” – Francesco Caracciolo

At least they didn’t put Mozzarella or Manchego on that map. Cheddar perhaps?