Wine Video done right...prepare to laugh your ass off about Nebbiolo! She's cute too...

Not bad! Who is this lady?

Never seen her before today but she has a few vids like that up…

I didn’t laugh my ass off, by any stretch, but it was enjoyable, and I like the ‘vinalogy’ of ladyboy - very accurate

She seems a ready made Berserker, no? Todd, you should reach out to her…

Go for it, Roberto


Roberto, could you kindly post a URL? That would help me out and possibly others. In both Safari and Chrome on my Mac I see a blank white box–that’s it.

Thanks so much, in advance!

In chrome and firefox also.

She’s terrific!

Here you go:

Thanks, Roberto, now that I’ve seen her–I recall that I had likewise seen her Riesling video of the past. She’s got talent…which is nice to see.

I thought her talent was a bit hard to see. Mostly head shots.

Is that AG with a bit of makeup ???

Very cool. She put a lot of work into that.

Good stuff, I watched a couple. Low key and obviously lots of fun in the making of these with the family dog, cat and I guess her child chipping in…

Best part of the video was the mag of Salon in the background :slight_smile:

Yeah, right - that’s the ‘best part’. [pwn.gif]

I worry that this constitutes hard-core pornography for Ken V. I’ll bet that he suffers premature overextraction while watching…

I watched for about 45 seconds and turned it off. Perhaps it built later to some humorous “climax,” but I didn’t find it especially humorous. Not even a lady with a British accent saying “BALLS!”