What price per bottle do you use in cellar tracker?

What price per bottle do you use in cellar tracker?

  • Bottle only price
  • net bottle cost which includes shipping and sales tax
  • don’t use cellar tracker
  • flawed poll

0 voters

do you use the actual bottle cost or do you also add shipping and sales tax? I use actual cost but in purchase notes detail the shipping and tax per bottle

complete all in cost from source to my cellar

tax, shipping, bottle cost…

Everything . . . tax and shipping. You have to if you want the true cost of your bottle. In auction, it obviously would be with BP and tax (if applicable). Anything less, then you’re sandbagging your numbers . . . [wink.gif]

just the price of the bottle, before tax or shipping (if applicable)… I’m not going to sit there and allocate shipping costs, and manually compute tax on individual bottles from larger orders…

+1. This is what matters to me.

Same here…

Kevin, totally understand how large orders can be a hassle to account for. Curious though. . . but, couldn’t you take the total amount given to you on a receipt and simply divide that the number of bottles you bought? Although that wouldn’t be the “true” amount paid for each bottle (obviously, 1 DRC isn’t the same as 1 Yellow Tail) . . . but at least it’ll get you the true amount for your entire payment, giving you the most accurate number for your P&L as a whole at any given time.

BP and tax could be huge on a gargantuan order . . . BP usually 19%-22% and tax (here in CA: 8.25%-9.75%).

I use the actual cost to me - which includes tax and shipping.
I don’t find it difficult to allocate the fees - shipping is usually a per case fee which is split evenly between the bottles.

I’ve started putting the normal retail price of the bottle. Since we usually get an industry discount (my wife works at a winery), I felt it was undervaluing our cellar. We rarely pay shipping charges or tax (Oregon resident) since we usually pick up our wine, so I just ignore those costs.

All you have to do is take shipping + Tax divided by the number of bottles in the order…

I don’t enter the cost. Not relevant to me

not quite.

shipping yes but tax is a percentage of the purchase price. A 2 pack shipment with one bottle of DRC and another with yellow tail will vary just a bit tax wise.


Then again, so will the shipping if the Yellow Tail is a magnum while the DRC is merely a 750! [rofl.gif]

I don’t disagree that you need to include shipping and tax if you want to know what you really spend on your wine, all-in… and what you suggest is a reasonable short-cut… however, depending on the price of bottles in your order, allocating total tax on a simple per-bottle basis results in over or understating tax, and thus your true cost on an individual bottle basis, if that matters. although even taking a shortcut still requires additional calculation on top of the straight bottle price.

Cost to me including tax (allocated by bottle price) and shipping (divided equally across bottles) minus any quantity discount (as a % of bottle price). I can kill you with an Excel spreadsheet and my bare hands.

I figure the costs all in. You will want that number if you ever sell it.

Seems to me most people just put price of the wine. The average price paid that I see on most recent releases seems to be just above that.

Just bottle price

Too easy. I will not touch it.

Ditto. In general, I don’t need a “complete cost”. When I do (donating or selling), I look at source. If shipped to me, I add $3-$4 per bottle shipping. If bought locally, I add sales tax. Even then, my cost is usually irrelevant in that current market value generally exceeds cost basis no matter how measured. So…I prefer to handle this on an exception basis, when needed, rather than putz with it on every bottle that comes into the house.

Just the cost of the bottle. I figure that way another CT user can have an idea without my tax and shipping (especially since tax in CA is all over the place!)