Winehunter: 1/2 bottle sale in NYC" onclick=";return false;

Goes on till Sunday. Anything worth trying? Suggestions welcome.

P.S. These are easier to sneak into the house. :wink:

Where zactly you hiding them there half bottles?

good price on the maybach

Very good price. Never new they came in .375 mL bottles.

Do they ship?

That’s a “si” on TX shipping.

4 dias.

Single bottle shipping is $14

While I haven’t tried the listed vintages of Selene, the past vintages have been very good and we usually have trouble getting them right here in Napa. The Swanson Merlot isn’t bad either. We carry the Swanson Merlot half bottles in our lounge.

Last 4 bottles of Maybach, gone to Mike.

This year I ask Chris for halfs.

Shit. I had phone in hand to buy them and have Jorge pick them up for me. Rat Bastard.

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Bill, believe me or not, I bought them figuring you in for two.
I just did not have a chance to contact you and was not too concerned with keeping if you were ‘already covered’

(let me know if you don’t want 'em)


I called in on your behalf and added the 1979 Opus to your order.

Why does a wine store need a couch?

To…sit? [gen_fro.gif]

And one for me? :smiley:

Sweet. Thanks for thinking ahead for me.