Another fine Vinho Verde!

Last weeks Yakitori dinner was brilliant. With chickens skins and peri peri shrimp I supplied the 2016 Anselmo Mendes Alvarinho Vinho Verde Muros Antigos which was very nicely evolved.
The wine became a lot richer as it aired. Some spritz and aromatics of citrus, floral and salty. Medium body, some ripeness. Lemon citrus fruits, apple, one thought grapefruit. A fresh zippy and crisp Alvarinho. Very well received by the 7 attendees.

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Interesting, I’d never thought of aging a VInho verde [cheers.gif]

Some relative disappointment in 2018 (report by Attila Aranyos, who selected 28 wines : vinho verde and Rias Baixas)
1. Portugal : Vinho Verde - Monçao & Melgaço - Vinusoalleirus “Soalheiro” Alvarinho Espumente Bruto 2016 (13 €)
La Quinta de Soalheiro, situĂ©e Ă  Melgaço (le point le plus septentrional du Portugal), est protĂ©gĂ©e par une chaĂźne de montagnes qui crĂ©e les conditions de prĂ©cipitations, de tempĂ©rature et d’ensoleillement nĂ©cessaires Ă  la parfaite maturation des raisins d’albariño. Ce microclimat trĂšs spĂ©cial a conduit JoĂŁo Antonio Cerdeira Ă  planter la premiĂšre vigne d’albariño en 1974 et a commercialisĂ©, en 1982, la premiĂšre production de ce cĂ©page Ă  Melgaço sous la marque “Soalheiro”.
Devenu un grand classique du Portugal, cet albariño est aujourd’hui dĂ©clinĂ© en plus de 10 cuvĂ©es. Une des rares maisons Ă  produire du vin dans une « mĂ©thode classique » (style champenois).
Pour information, cette version dégustée est un « Brut ».
A l’ouverture : DS14 - PS14,5 - CDC14 - AA15,5
Aspet dorĂ© brillant, bulles fines ; nez fruitĂ©, exotique (pĂȘche, mandarine) ; bouche gourmande, agrĂ©able, dosage juste, pointe d‘amertume Ă©lĂ©gante qui allonge le vin.
AprĂšs 5 heures d’aĂ©ration : DS14 - LG13

14. Portugal : Vinho Verde - Monçao & Melgaço - Anselmo Mendes “Alvarinho Contacto” 2016 (10 €)
Dans la gamme des vins d’Anselmo Mendes, voici une des entrĂ©es de gamme.
Fermentation dans de petites cuves en inox pendant 15 jours.
Quatre mois d’élevage sur lies fines avec bĂątonnage hebdomadaire.
A l’ouverture : DS15 - PS14,5 - CDC15 - AA15,5
Robe argentĂ©e, lĂ©gĂšrement dorĂ©e. Nez discret (soupçon floral, goyave, miel, anis). Bouche bien structurĂ©e, droite, minĂ©rale, Ă©lĂ©gante. Au-delĂ  de ce qu’on pourrait attendre d’une entrĂ©e de gamme.
AprĂšs 5 heures d’aĂ©ration : DS14,5 - LG13

15. Portugal : Vinho Verde - Anselmo Mendes “Alvarinho Curtimenta” 2014 (21 €)
Toujours chez Anselmo Mendes, on retrouve une cuvée haut de gamme traitée de façon trÚs proche de la cuvée Parcela Unica (macération pelliculaire, fermentation, contenants).
A l’ouverture : DS14,5 - PS14 - CDC14,5 - AA14
Robe dorĂ©e ; nez mĂ»r, vanillĂ©, toujours minĂ©ral. MatiĂšre sĂ©rieuse, grande extraction, riche et suave. Mais l’élevage a malheureusement pris le pas sur le fruit.
AprĂšs 5 heures d’aĂ©ration : DS13,5 - LG10

16. Portugal : Vinho Verde - Monçao & Melgaço - Anselmo Mendes “Parcela Única” 2015 (25 €)
Anselmo Mendes est un des vignerons majeurs du Portugal.
Son intĂ©rĂȘt pour l’albariño est rĂ©cent puisqu’il le travaille depuis moins de 20 ans.
Dans sa gamme, cette cuvée est la plus ambitieuse

Issue d’une sĂ©lection parcellaire (choix parmi une vingtaine de diffĂ©rentes vignes) sur des ceps de plus de 12 ans conduits sur un terreau sablo-limoneux.
Les raisins sont Ă©grappĂ©s puis macĂ©rĂ©s 24h Ă  15 Âș C en cuve inox.
Pressurage effectuĂ© dans des pressoirs verticaux, fermentation entre 15 et 22Âș C dans des fĂ»ts neufs de chĂȘne français de 400 litres. Elevage sur lies pendant 9 mois avec bĂątonnage hebdomadaire.
Repos de 6 mois minimum aprĂšs la mise en bouteilles.
A l’ouverture : DS14 - PS15 - CDC14 - AA14,5
Aspect dorĂ© marquĂ©. Nez mĂ»r, minĂ©ral, bourguignon. Bien construit, Ă©levage bien intĂ©grĂ© mais un style peut-ĂȘtre trop travaillĂ© (style international).
AprĂšs 5 heures d’aĂ©ration : DS13 - LG13

Most Vinho Verdes are just simple swill that needs to be drunk within a year.

However, varietal Alvarinho VVs and red VVs not only keep for years, but can actually improve quite a bit as well. They are also quite different styles of wine from what people normally associate with the genre.

Palacio da Brejoeira can age 5 years (its quite expensive).

I actually like the mediocre swill grape on occasion. Good to hear there are some folks taking it to the next level too. I would love to try one of those young and aged some day

Me too. Those cheap Vinho Verdes are great picnic wines when going to the beach on a hot summer’s day.

Good to hear there are some folks taking it to the next level too.

I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say with this.

Possibly my ignorance, but the Vino Verde we see isn’t meant to age. I’m always happy to hear there are some producers trying to push the boundaries on what’s expected.

I even enjoy/quite like like some of the inexpensive bottlings available here on a hot summer day

There is some confusion regarding Vinho Verde the wine versus Vinho Verde the region. They used to be synonymous, but nowadays the Vinhos Verdes are a source of perfectly serious and even somewhat age worthy whites.

The standard Soalheiro vinho verde I tasted at just over a decade old was stunning, so I’m trying ever so hard to resist the small selection I’ve got to see how they get on

But as I said in my original comment, Alvarinho Vinho Verdes and red Vinho Verdes are those that can age. I suppose you’re just thinking those inexpensive, often fizzy Vinho Verdes made from a blend of local white varieties that are meant for early consumption. Those Vinho Verdes I’m speaking of (and which Anselmo Mendes and Soalheiro are excellent examples of) are nothing alike. Red VVs can be even quite robust and tannic wines whereas VV Alvarinhos are not fizzy, but instead can be quite concentrated, bold and mineral white wines. Often these are also somewhat more expensive than simple run-of-the-mill VVs. Think of Galician Albariño but perhaps in a bit more tropical direction.

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Loureiro can make some serious Vinho Verde as well. Generally if the subregion is listed on the label, it will be a more serious wine. I’m partial to the Moncao e Melgaco and the Lima subregions.

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