Once again, it's time to play our favorite game: UPS vs MRS

My wife had to step out for a bit.

I just received five cases of Sabelli-Frisch BerserkerDay wines.

The wines are now safely in the cellar.

She’s not back yet.

I win! [winner.gif]


I thought I was the only one who played that game! Nice work.

Ha. My wife went out and Kutch came in!

Her = downtown haircut
Me = 2 Cases Bedrock


I lost this game yesterday by forfeit. I had a dentist appointment and didn’t want to miss the Goodfellow delivery, so I had to ask my wife my come home from work and wait for it while I was out.

Yesterday I got a box of Saxum into the cellar without anyone noticing. I don’t sneak them in on purpose, but do feel like I’m getting away with something if no one notices. Tweaked my back skiing last weekend and it had me wondering how I will get cases of wine into the basement when I get older.

I got home yesterday and my Wife said I needed to come through the side gate. She rolled three cases of Bedrock on a hand truck from the front porch to in front of the gate. She brought my Kutch in the house for me Wednesday.

No need to hide here!

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UPS My Choice ended this play for me.

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Nope, my wife does this. Suddenly find a case of whatever that I didn’t buy.

I’m too cheap to spend the $20/yr. Fedex is my go-to as I can reroute to Walgreen’s for free.

Same here. My wife enjoys wine as much as I do. She is aware of every purchase. [cheers.gif]

As long as I keep good Champagne rolling in on a semi-regular basis, my wife is also ok with it. champagne.gif

I live in a condo. We each have our own buzz code that goes to our phones to let people in. New FedEx guy dials her looking for a signature for my package. I’m WFH today and the usual guy just leaves it in the package room.

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too funny, I don’t generally hide purchases or deliveries, but I gotta admit, I was pretty happy she was out of town this week when both La Pelle and Andremily showed up - about 5 cases total, and now I have the weekend to squirrel it away!