Get With The Program - - - Enter your BD Purchases Properly in Cellartracker

Don’t you people know the rules? When purchasing wine on Berserkerday and entering the purchase into Cellartracker, the “store” where you purchased the wine is called “Berserkerday,not “Direct.” I know this is like herding cats and I know some of you have very shorty term memories, BUT if you want to prove to the industry why more wineries should participate next year, be sure to list your store as Berserkerday in Cellartracker. If you have already entered your purchases into CT incorrectly (THAT’S YOU, the two Monopole Cru people who listed their Chiron Mag purchases incorrectly, get yourself back to Cellartracker and edit your entry. AND don’t be lazy and just put BD or BD 13. Those initials don’t mean shit to newbies and the uninitiated. Spell it out and give Todd all the free advertising! Why? I have no idea. It’s not like he deserves it, but it’s the right thing to do anyway.


Don’t you people know the rules? When purchasing wine on Berserkerday and entering the purchase into Cellartracker, the “store” where you purchased the wine is called “Berserkerday,not “Direct.” I know this is like herding cats and I know some of you have very shorty term memories, BUT if you want to prove to the industry why more wineries should participate next year, be sure to list your store as Berserkerday in Cellartracker. If you have already entered your purchases into CT incorrectly (THAT’S YOU, the two Monopole Cru people who listed their Chiron Mag purchases incorrectly, get yourself back to Cellartracker and edit your entry. AND don’t be lazy and just put BD or BD 13. Those initials don’t mean shit to newbies and the uninitiated. Spell it out and give Todd all the free advertising! Why? I have no idea. It’s not like he deserves it, but it’s the right thing to do anyway.


True never thought about that but will go ahead and do it now. Thanks for the headsup!

And special shout out to the Berserkers who added obscure wines (like a lot of ours!) to Cellartracker for the first time even if the wines have crazy consonant-filled spellings and extra accents/diacritical marks! You know who you are! [worship.gif]


says the guy who puts BD in the thread title [wow.gif] neener


Makes sense, thanks for informing me.

Makes sense to me to. Thanks
I like your passion. Make sure to add this tomorrow. You make a fine point

I’ve CT’ed longer than I’ve Berserkered and am fine with managing my own cellar. Thanks.


First time seeing this, however I’ll take the time to tweak.

Recommendation for next year, partner with CT and every offer has a deep link setting the table to add the given bottle/pack/bundle with a one-click confirmation, defaulting all the pertinent info. Whoever does that will be a hero, and I can’t see how its that hard.

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Working on that…Eric’s got a project in the works that should be in place by next BerserkerDay, I hope! We have discussed it, it’s just not ready yet


A link to import into Cellar Tracker would be amazing…in the mean time I’ll use “BerserkerDay” as the store.

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I use the Berserker Day number, BDXIII, BD13, etc.

Pro tip for all the CT junkies out there: set the BD ‘store’ as your default store prior to starting your purchase entries.

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I put a purchase note if I get something on special like this. The point of purchase is the point of purchase though. Kind of obtuse to purchase wine from a winery and then say I bought it from Berserker Day.


It sounds like you’re telling me what to do.

For me, I see it as the channel where I got the wine. Channel means a lot of things. Here, I can see how I came upon the unique opportunity, venue, and pricing. Granted I’m paying the winery directly, but I’d not be doing that without the aforementioned from WB. How many mailers do we ignore.

As a parallel, I don’t list the winery/producer from a Wines Till Sold Out offer for a wine I bought through them. I list it as WTSO. That was the opportunity, venue, and pricing meeting up.

I don’t see BD that different, and its fair IMO.

Why? You’re not buying from Berserkers, you’re buying from the wineries involved.

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Hola Pete, I’ve reconsidered my initial instincts, my thought process is my last post here.

I see BD being the venue.

That’s your prerogative my friend, it’s your CT.
