Durand let me down

I’ve loved the Durand which has saved many a cork and bottle. Last night was different. Opened a 2001 Raveneau MDT and the neck of the bottle snapped as I turned the Durand to extract the cork. Fortunately no glass fell in the bottle and I salvaged a great quaff.

Never seen that. Glad you saved the wine.

Just saber it next time.

I’m guessing there was a flaw in the bottle (although, you are a weight lifter).


hahah. My guess also re the defective neck.

Shouldn’t this be combined with the weightlifting thread?

Could be glass flaw. I’ve had this happen a few times with an ah-so and corks that are much bigger than the opening. They force the prongs to exert more pressure onto the side walls making it more prone to break. Usually it happens with younger or synthetic corks as they’re still quite a bit more rigid. Sorry this happened to you Alan. Thankfully you managed to salvage it.

The worst is when you’re hand-bottling a bottle like this: when you cork it, it explodes, showering you with shards of glass and wine.

wear something like this, William: https://www.wish.com/product/5d80708bdc138b22aa428ef8?from_ad=goog_shopping&_display_country_code=US&_force_currency_code=USD&pid=googleadwords_int&c={campaignId}&ad_cid=5d80708bdc138b22aa428ef8&ad_cc=US&ad_curr=USD&ad_price=9.76&campaign_id=6948791183&exclude_install=true&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwMP9BRCzARIsAPWTJ_GteOiCJ_66ktZHC9PDw01yFCBmQj1Dr2WsbqK3kGygTduWAw9qwl8aAmnsEALw_wcB&hide_login_modal=true&share=mobileweb

That probably wouldn’t happen with one of those big PYCM bottles.

That’s an experience I’ve not had with my Durand Alan, thanks for sharing. I will say that my one criticism of the Durand is the fact that the ah-so prongs are quite bulky/thick. The last old bottle I opened I used the Durand corkscrew and a bog standard Monopol Ah-So. It worked a treat.

Not sure what you are complaining about. You got the cork out of the bottle and the wine was fine. Durand did its job. neener grouphug

He-Man Alan who benches an ungodly amount of weight at the gym is just too pumped up for these menial tasks!!!


I had a glass issue with a bottle of 2007 Raveneau fwiw.

I think the solution is to move to magnums or jeroboams.

At least you got rid of some of the wax.

Hope you saved a finger!

Ive blown the neck off a bottle with the CO2 injector but not with the Durand

Neither Merle nor Emmy have a patch on you, alan.

Had this exact issue last night on a 50 year old barolo. The glass on the neck was a little thin compared to most bottles. Deja Vu. Never had this happen before either.


Another weight lifter.
