TN: Ridge Zin HookerCreek '17....(short/boring)

My Ridge ATP order arrived last week, so had to try:

  1. Ridge Zin HookerCreek SonomaVlly/SonomaCnty (14.9%; 94% Zin/4% PS/2% AlicanteBouschet/0.1% Tazalenghe; 14 brls; bttld 08/2018;
    80 yr old vines; BedrockVnyd; Drk: 5/18-5/24-5/25: JO) 2017
    : Very dark color; intense blackberry/boysenberry/Zin/spicy/ripe rather dusty/OV strong vanilla/Ridge Am.oak bit licorice/smokey some complex nose; somewhat tart/tangy very strong blackberry/boysenberry/Zin/very spicy/peppery classic SonomaVlly Zin strong Ridge/oak rather structured bit complex flavor w/ ample tough tannins; very long/lingering strong blackberry/boysenberry/spicy/Zin/peppery some vanilla/oak finish w/ ample tannins; quite structured and still needs another 4-6 yrs yet; of the level of Pagani or LyttonSprings; resembles some the Pagani but not the rusticity; not identifiable as Bedrock & more like a Bucklin OldHill than anything but w/ more oak & more Ridge character; will be an outstanding Zin down the road. $36.00 (ATP)

A wee BloodyPulpit:

  1. I was impressed with this Ridge; lots of structure & needing age. Should be a good one.