NYTimes: Lanzarote/CanaryIslands

A very interesting photo montage of grape growing on the CanaryIslands:

Pretty rugged growing conditions.

The vineyard workers works around ash holes every day.

Thanks for posting, Tom. Really cool pictures. It’s amazing that the vines can survive there, let alone produce significant fruit.

Had a vacation there a while back. Tried a few wines. There is a pronounced minerality that grew on me (?). After a few I quite liked the taste, but I can imagine many may find it strange. OTOH, if one likes it, one may find it missing in other wines.

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I’ve wanted to visit ever since I saw the Almodovar film Broken Embraces with Penelope Cruz. The island features prominently and the cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto captures the windswept vineyards in an achingly beautiful and seductive way.

Saw the article and it reminded me of an even more extreme growing method than they use in Greece on Santorini. Nice article.