Will urban off-site wine storage costs fall?

Are people migrating their wine also, when leaving big cities?

Well the bulk of Domaine and Manhattan Wine Storage is already in NJ

NYC has vacancies? I thought most places had wait lists?

Seems very New York specific…

I’d wait for a year to see if/how coronavirus impacts population in NYC. To date, I think the alarmist articles are mostly projecting fears rather than reporting facts. IF people flea NY and prices drop for real estate we may see those vacancies back filled by people who wanted to live in the city but couldn’t afford to do so.

And yes, I think even the most alarmist projections are mostly NY-specific

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mine just went up 5%

My understanding is storing in NYC proper isn’t a great idea anyway due to the high levels of vibration. Better to store someplace remote.

I store a small amount in NYC for more immediate consumption - they haven’t reduced prices.

Curious about the source of this vibration and why it would be unique to (or exacerbated in) NYC. Bedrock is very close to the surface in Manhattan

I’ve heard concern about subways creating a lot more vibration.
