Wine consumption a defense against opioid addiction?

Who knew?

The Twitter feed of the American Association of Wine Economists just carried this chart, which shows that the states with the highest per-capital consumption of wine have very low opiod usage rates, and the states with high opioid usage tend to have low wine consumption rates.

ya, this is a socioeconomic chart which of course correlates to the two subjects it plots.

I’d agree with Yaacov. Sounds socioeconomic to me.

According to the 60 Minutes segment that aired last night, addiction problems along with other ailments may be remedied by taking psilocybin’s. Of course, further study may need to be done but the people interviewed for the segment seemed really happy with the outcome. Makes sense to me! lol

Talk about burying the lede . . . the American Association of Wine Economists? Who knew there was such a thing?

I dunno, I needed an extra glass last night to nurse my aching wrist. No pain meds. Pain meds are bad MOJO.


Perhaps the states can be reposted as red/blue to give us even more information.

Their main office is open from 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm each weekday except Thursday and Friday.

You can buy their official economic prediction dart board at select Total Wine branches.

michael pollan (featured in the segment) wrote a very compelling book on the subject, which i highly recommend.

of course, his omnivore’s dilemma is canon.

Do they meet at at Pomeroy’s Wine Bar for a glass of Chateau Thames Embankment?

I’ll bet if you did the same chart based on states with legal pot, I think you would get an ever greater correlation to low opoid addiction.

Pot is used in some treatment programs as a substitute for opiods.

“Who’d have thought thirty year ago we’d all be sittin’ here drinking Château de Chasselas, eh?”

“In them days we was glad to have the price of a cup of tea.”

“A cup of cold tea.”

“Without milk, or sugar.”

“Or tea.”


What do the Sacklers drink? As I am certain that is the good shit.


Note Washington DC, pulling down the curve this time!

Whilst the correlation may well be spurious; the regression of R2 =0.36 is very low and basically says there is a very weak statistical correlation (at best) between the two variables. Personally I would never a take a correlation seriously with a R2 of 0.36.



I think you can rest easy, at least around Berserkers, since no one here seems to be taking my weighty thread seriously.