Can you make popsicles out of wine

Say you have left over wine and don’t wanna dump it… can you make popsicles with them? seems like it can be nice in hot summer days?

do you mix it with water? or how best if it’s possible?

Sure. In a similar vein, some people freeze in ice cube trays to use for cooking.

FYI, as I recall, the freezing temp for wine is around 20F or 22F, because the alcohol lowers it. But a freezer typically runs at 0F, so it certainly should freeze. And sugar also lowers the freezing temp, so your wine popsicle may not be that different from a sweet tuti-frutti one.

Cfu Krugsicles!! [popcorn.gif]

A friend used to make Sauvignon Blanc jelly to get rid of unwanted Sav Blanc that he was gifted.

Wine wouldn’t make a very good popsicle in a normal refrigerator freezer, would be more of a slush on a stick.
