W&S: DavidDarlington on the Teldeschis

David, one of the best wine writers around, has a terrific artcle in the latest Wines&Spirits magazine, untangling the complicated Teldeschi family and giving a lot of historical background. Cleared up a lot of the confusion on this family in my mind. Unfortunately, not yet on their W&S WebPage, so can’t do a link to it. But it’s an absolutely fascinating read loaded w/ anecdotes of some of the curmudgeons involved. David at his best. Worth going out & buying the magazine.
I gather David is also working w/ JoelPeterson on writing up his Memoirs.

Thanks for the heads up Tom. It’s a great article, but I wish he had gotten some perspective from Ray Teldeschi (Mike Officer’s source for Teldeschi fruit).


I read somewhere that John and his cousin Ray are polar opposites as far as personalities.

The working title of Joel’s autobiography is…‘No Wimpy Wines’.