Odd recent palate sensation

Recently, many red wines, of which I am quite familiar as having low acidity and very ample (but not too much) ripeness, have begun to seem somewhat tart or unripe. This has hampered my wine enjoyment.

Given the frequency of this odd sensation, my concern is that my taste buds have begun to change, even though my taste preferences have not.

Has this ever happened to you? I am worried. Thank you.

When I get hit with allergies and take drugs to counter the symptoms, (DayQuil), wines often seem tart or unripe to me. I’m drinking a tart pinot right now that is one of my favorites. Wished I’d opened one I don’t like.

Wished I’d opened one I don’t like.

That’s why I always buy loads of wines I hate.

Can’t be too careful. neener

Victor - I’ve noticed something similar with a few wines lately. I’m not taking drugs and I’m not sick, but I do think I may have some allergies as I’ve been sneezing a bit. Maybe something like that is happening? You should be finally getting some spring weather there and maybe that’s it.

And not to be too mystical, but part of it may be your emotional state. Sometimes the world just sucks and you’re disgusted with everything in it. I’ve had a few issues recently and they have definitely lessened my enjoyment of wine and a few other things. If that’s the case, it will pass.

Hope you’re OK otherwise.

Not to be an alarmist but I would add that any significant loss or distortion of taste (dysgeusia) can be an indicator of a medical problem. It’s not a big red flag, but if it worsens I would suggest getting a good oral exam. Hope it’s allergies or meds and goes away quickly for you

Maybe you’re just drinking bad wine


This – and there’s nothing at all mystical about it. It comes with the territory (for humans).

You’re gettin’ OLD, Victor! neener

Victor, I’ve had it happen recently, and I happen to like wines that are more AFWE. It’s definitely not an age thing as I’m only 40. I got a nasty case of the flue several weeks back and am just now getting past it.

A 2011 Caymus I consumed a couple weeks ago still tasted like a hot mess, so it’s definitely not palate shift for me.

Having consumed the 1959 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Victor has reached the proverbial end of the internet.

Thank you. My taste otherwise remains as it has been — bad. [snort.gif]

This oddity seems, fortunately, to have faded. Things are tasting almost normal, again. If not, I have would been ready to jettison my cheap, old Bordeaux and Napa reds on Commerce Corner. Perhaps, the cause was some recent life stress.

Glad to hear some things are starting to normalize Victor. It’s a long road, hang in there.

Root phase

All seems fine now. During the past week, wine tastes normal, again.