Getting Laughed At.

Heidi was having an AFD, but with a beautiful confit de canard in front of me I had to open a red Burg. I decided upon a half bottle of ’08 Gouges Porrets. Just as I was taking my first sip, both Lily and Patrick noticed the small bottle I was drinking from and broke out in simultaneous laughter. They are used to seeing us drink from ‘half Magnum’.

The wine was really good, Fresh and pure with berry and cherry fruits. There’s a sweet core and plenty of meat and earth to counter. It has a suggestion of licorice and a tangy acid finish that cuts through confit duck like a vinous knife.

hopefully the only time your size has met with laughter.

Quarter magnum

Half magnum. I love it. I’m going to use that.

This reminds me of another favorite Churchill quote:

“A magnum of Champagne is perfect for two people. … As long as one of them isn’t drinking.”

A man and a woman are getting undressed to have sex for the first time.

The woman has a look of surprise and disappointment on her face and says “Who do you think you’re going to pleasure with that thing?”

The man replies, “me.”

Thank you for the note Jeremy. Sounds like it may be time to crack one of these from half Magnum.

I am going to try one from a quadruple split I have sitting around.

Were you using appropriate stemware?

First time I heard of you getting laughed at for having a small one mate…

OK the reference to “half magnum” reminded me of a funny site:

These little-used units of measurement include the nanocentury, which is roughly 3.16 seconds, and the attoparsec, which (a parsec being about 3.3 lightyears, and atto- meaning 10^-18), comes out to about 3 centimeters.