Unicorn Tears' Wine Is Just As Pink And Sparkly As You'd Expect

Just no.

Henry, you know curiosity killed the cat.

Bubble bath soap? Lol

In for 6

Please post a note! [snort.gif]

Weak; case or bust!


Serve with Skittles as the food pairing.

From their website, in the description about their blue wine:

That’s right: we work with grapes from different areas of Europe, whose color and flavor we improve through food tech. Gik carries no added sugars. Why? Firstly because sugar ferments and turns into alcohol inside the bottle. Secondly, because excess of fast carbs leads to overweight, while non-caloric sweeteners are a healthier and more stable choice.

Sounds delicious.

I’m all in, but only for large formats so that I can give these things the proper aging they deserve. Oh and only if they come with a giant straw.

I recommend having your bottle opened like they do at French Laundry.

mix the blue and pink and see what you get, LOL

fun stuff

it’s about the people not the grapes :slight_smile:

Cute. Serve to grand-kids at their birthday party? Nobody over eleven is going to want to have anything to do with that.

Also I like the part where they say the fermentation is taking place INSIDE THE BOTTLE. If so, then I double down on my earlier comment about large formats, and will definitely open the bottle TFL-style. That way, I maximize my chance of either being physically harmed, be it by the packaging or the contents.

I bought my wife new house slippers for Christmas, they have little unicorns on them and she loves them. I might have to buy a bottle of this stuff as a joke.

What did they do to those poor unicorns to make them cry?
Does PETA know about this?

Those damned unicorns make Dick Vermeil and John Boehner look stoic.

Unicorns cry more than Antonio Brown after a Juju Smith-Schuster touchdown catch.

Hell, that wine factory probably only needs two unicorns who are Arizona Cardinals fans in order to make its yearly production targets.