Found a new use for my Vinoscraper...

…as storyboard for designing a new learning module for work. [rofl.gif]

Based on the precision alignment of your projects post it notes, I’m guessing you know where every single wine is in there. I wish my brain worked that way sometimes…like when wine comes in.

I gather you don’t like bullets or animation :wink:

I’ll add one: never read your text verbatim to the audience, unless it’s an absolutely critical point.

Yea but check out the handles…looks like he’s spent a fair amount of time lifting his shirt in exchange for Mardi Gras beads

You guys are giving me a good laugh over my lunch…

Robert, using CT, I do know where everything is but that alignment is just dumb luck with the postits.

Alan, those are ‘slide junk’ and you have carefully read the photo, haven’t you. Verbatim isn’t up there but that is indeed true.

CJ, for anyone that knows me, and Alan does pretty well, as an introvert, probably the last thing I might do is lift my shirt. Funny. Those beads were from a team meeting in Florida I think some years ago. That crap has been hanging on those handles for a decade so whoever made those beads did a great job!

It took me a while to figure out what the term ‘vinoscraper’ is - wine skyscraper! Clever!

I guess we taller dudes don’t see it as much of a 'scraper [highfive.gif]

Because I’ve been stalking FM for so long, I know that the term refers to how the metal dividers scrape the labels of bottles when inserted/removed [wow.gif]

What’s the story behind the bottle of Fetzer?

Ha! Even better! Wouldn’t it be a ‘Labelscraper’?

1980 Fetzer PS. We drank this back in 2007 at Eldon Gath’s house, who had a big-ass PS event that a lot of us went to here in the OC. I hung onto it because a # of people signed the label, a kind of tradition I use sometimes to memorialize good things. You might notice the Loring bottle up there too. It’s a 2001 Garys’, when Brian put the vineyard owners on the bottle face in that vintage, I believe. Brian Loring has always been one of the most generous guys I have ever met, anywhere. That bottle up there is my tribute to him. So many cool bottles, cool memories. Now, if I can just finish designing this damn presentation. [truce.gif]

Stop posting and start working. Seiber’s been a bad influence on you.

Thanks. I did notice the Loring bottle. I know Brian has had the farmers and pics of the dirt; had not seen labels with winemakers.
The Fetzer stood out as it is somewhat more of a ‘pedestrian’ wine than say the Copain, Pax or Pride bottles that were saved.

I enjoyed reading the Post-It notes - and wish you success for the presentation. Incorporate this thread and the WB comments on your post-it notes; it is the “Be You +30%!”

Frenchie, where you been? Vinoscraper is a term we’ve been using for a decade. Put down the Toasted Head chard and pay attention. [popcorn.gif]