New Media button for linking media.

If you notice on the cross bar full of icons when you’re crafting a post you’ll see a small TV icon (next to spoiler). We removed the “Image”, “Youtube” “VIMEO” buttons as they are repetitive for the application. Click the TV and it generates a media bracket. Just copy and paste a link inside and bam, you’re good to go!

You can direct link Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Imgur, Reddit, Streamable, GYFCAT and more! I highly recommend uploading photos to Imgur and then direct linking them in here. Far higher quality than uploading an attachment to the forum like before.

I figure the most used ones will probably be Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Here’s a sample below of Instagram!

[media]]Mark Ye on Instagram: "#degardebrewing nectarine! Juicy goodness."

what link do you put in for say… instagram?

is your page private? If so, it won’t show.

Ahhh ok that makes sense.

Got it to work for Insta, but Twitter doesn’t seem to work. Getting this message in preview mode when using the copy link to post feature on Twitter:

You cannot use certain BBCodes: [media].

  • One

  1. One

^ List function appears to still be broken

Twitter is enabled - perhaps yours is a private account

Confirming YouTube works now

No, it works just fine

For list (who uses that, anyway?) just click ‘list’ or ‘ordered’ for each line you want to show in the bulleted list or numbered list (or, write the list, one per line, then highlight each line and click ‘list’ or ‘numbered’

  • user

  • error

  • most

  • likely


What does FLASH do?

  • Test

  • this

  • again

Not sure if we need the Flash button or not, but probably it’s for Flash attachments - haven’t tried.

I see you got your Instagram to work, that’s good - super easy with Media button!

As for lists, again, you need the list command for EACH ITEM in your list. If you have three items, select one of them by highlighting it, click the ‘list’ button. Next line, highlight it, click the list button, etc

Schweeet. it all works!

What is “Instagram”? [truce.gif]

Snapchat for old people.

Thanks Charlie.

sorry,can’t figure out how to show my instagram acct.Any help would be appreciated

Tried this for IG but no luck even after making my account public. I’m using the copy link function in the IG app and posting it between the media tags. Is that what you’re all doing?

Yep. Try posting it so I can see.