Why are all corkscrews too short

Even the expensive ones?
Who make an decent length spiral for these long corks in some Italian bottles?


The original (twist) screwpulls are a decent length.

^ ^ ^ [thumbs-up.gif] ^ ^ ^

Yes friends
I am aware of THE DURAND
I wondered why pro corkscrews costing a lot were so short

To be fair, Claus, you did ask, “Who make an decent length spiral for these long corks in some Italian bottles?”

Yes but Durand is only an Ah So integrated with an extra long screw. @ an extraordinary price
Now why…

Hard to believe most manufacturers missed the trend to longer corks.
There are some corkscrews with five complete twists in the screw, not common, but they are out there.

I like this very much

extra-langer Korkenzieher


The idea is that it shouldn’t come through the bottom of the cork because then cork might get into the wine.

Duh. Like the wine will be ruined by contact with cork?

I think they should go all the way through. Sometimes they don’t pull out the entire cork but leave a little disk exactly where the screw ended, screwing you instead of the cork.

The worm for the Rabbit is longer. I broke my Rabbit and now that’s what I use when the cork breaks and a little disc stays in the bottle.

That extra half inch can mean oh so much sometimes.

That’s what she said.

[wow.gif] [wow.gif] [wow.gif]


Longer than any cork I’ve ever encountered.

Old corks can be nasty. I think it was Francois A. who suggested that if the cork goes into the wine he dumps the wine, but he was talking about 50+ year old corks

I see your point. Still, I wasn’t happy when a piece of crumbling cork on an '82 Monchiero Barolo sank in the bottle a week or two ago.

Never had a problem with my Coutale.

double post

Was about to chime in and say the same. Love that thing.

The Durand worm is too short. It rarely fails, but when it does it is because the worm is too short.

As noted above, the original Screwpull is longer than any cork I’ve encountered.

my question is just WHY does the durand cost so much?