A Great MLK Story Involving 1957 La Tache

A civil rights leader, a liberal journalist and a segregationist governor walk into a wine shop…nope, it’s not the opening line of a joke but a true wine story involving Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Great story. I shared it on my Facebook page.

Thanks for posting. The youtube is definitely worth a listen

I have mixed feelings about this story. I have friends who don’t agree with me politically and have no problem with it. But Marvin Griffin was a notorious and self-proclaimed racist. I can understand remain circumspectly polite even with a man who believes you should not be treated as a human being with equal rights, given the situation. But it is hardly an example of people learning to live together despite disagreement, merely of people learning when there is no percentage in being other than circumspectly polite.

This happened in Atlanta at Jim Sander’s shop. Pretty interesting story.

I thought I had seen this somewhere before!

We are gettin’ on in years man.

Unlike MLK. Amazing fact: Barbara Walters, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Anne Frank were all born the same year.

loved the story and wish I was in that store that afternoon. Wine has a way of bringing people together.

Maybe we should roll barrels of wine into Congress…