Getting that itch to buy

Seems like forever that I bought an allocation. And I just purchased Quivet a few weeks back.

Any releases coming up soon?

Under the wire next Tuesday.

Myriad in June. I believe Roy Piper in June as well.

Mmmm, Myriad and Piper.

I am going on a spending-fast so I will be ready!

Rhys also on Tuesday. Since UTW is the same time something is going to have to give.

I feel it. UtW is the only one allocation on my horizon, though, I think.

Myriad will be good. Always is

Joe, very dangerous condition you have there. It could be life threatening. I’d seek professional help immediately.

Cirq in July

I often check just to window-shop. A lot of wineries are not listed, but you will find surprises every once and a while.