Comments on these three wines?

J. Lohr 2013 Arroyo Vista chardonnay.

Delicato Black Stallion 2012 Limited Release Napa Valley cabernet sauvignon.

Korbel Natural “Special Inaugural Cuvée” California Champagne.

Does anybody have any tasting impressions?

Is this for a wedding? If so they would be fine.

Is that a new release? If so, it’s pretty tone deaf. I might as well drive up to Lake Erie, bottle a bunch of their shitty white wine, and then label it ‘Ohio Montrachet’.

There’s a long history. Bottom line: Korbel and others who were using the term “Champagne” in their brand in 2003, when the US recognized most EU wine labeling, were allowed to keep calling their wines that: The 100-Year-Old Loophole That Makes California Champagne Legal | VinePair

They are all being used for a certain party on Friday. They all demonstrate the lowbrow sensibilities of the party organizers.

Man, haven’t had a Lohr wine in AGES.

Is that being chosen as a subtle allusion to arriviste?

Probably delish if you mix them all together.

The man doesn’t drink

I understand that Korbel is exploiting a legal loophole, but my reaction – no matter whether their wine is awesome – is “f*ck them, in the ear, with cherries, and their mother!”

For a party go with Dr. Loosen Dr. L Riesling. Substance Cab from Washington and Mumm Brut Prestige. They cost a bit more but far superior in quality and ready available.

My thoughts exactly, except I’d leave the cherries, and possibly the mothers out of it.

I’d bet that everyone on this board would not willingly drink Korbel, or any other wine that wasn’t fiercely proud of it’s origin. Korbel is obviously targeting a different demographic, but it still seems very disingenuous.

Excellent find by John on the history lesson, BTW.

Anton is not organizing the party (would that he were). I’m sure the organizers want American wines.

I finally figured out who is attending the party, and Korbel California Champagne is a perfect choice.

Seems they were chosen after consultation with the California Wine Institute. Esther has a piece about it in the chronicle.

We are members at Black Stallion, but I didn’t realize at first because I have never heard of them referred to by Delicato. In my eyes they are know for their well balanced cabs if you like the new Napa style, which of course is a different argument.