WTSO no longer shipping to Texas

This is a bummer. Received this email a few minutes ago from WTSO. Guess I’ll be receiving a nice refund from all the wines purchased throughout the year and being held til cooler weather.

We are truly sorry to inform you that we are no longer able to ship into the state of Texas. We received a cease and desist to stop all shipments into the state immediately. If you have orders currently in transit they will automatically be returned to our facility. All existing undelivered orders (holds, recent transactions, and shipments) with us will be refunded within the next few business days. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact > wines@wtso.com> .

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue.

Did a law change?

No, the US Constitution is not being enforced.
Rednecks openly carrying loaded guns at in-state Home Depots are much safer than wine lovers opening loaded out-of-state wine shippers at home.

God dammit,

Hey Victor did you know it’s illegal to buy a Tesla in Texas?

As a current resident of Texas, this is a real gut punch. I hope the same fate doesn’t befall Last Bottle and Garagiste.
If anyone has real info on the cause of this, share! Would love to know more.

Was also illegal in NJ until recently.

Even with a store in the Short Hills mall?

For a while, it was allowed only to show, but not to sell. NJ just changed dealer laws to allow Tesla sales.

I’m curious if a law changed or there was an existing law that is just now being enforced. Texas alcohol and automotive dealership laws are some of the worst in American.

Numerous states, such as Illinois, are giving the big finger to the SCOTUS ruling against state laws barring inter-state wine commerce.

In the first instance the US Constitution IS being enforced. In the later, not so much.
btw, exercising ones Constitutional rights does not make one a redneck.

TABC has a requirement for out-of-state direct shippers to be permitted by the state. The data on the TABC site is a bit stale (example – they have a list of permitted out of state retailers, but it’s from five years ago), but it might be the case that someone dropped a dime that TABC should look into WTSO.

I’m not aware of any recent changes in TX law. TABC has been sending cease & desist letters to out-of-state retailers, auction houses and others who ship into TX illegally for several years. Most stopped shipping a long time ago, but apparently, some continue to do so and are likely to receive a cease & desist letter in the future. I’d strongly suggest not naming those who do ship (and editing posts that do name names) to not make TABC’s job any easier.

Like they don’t already know… but edited all the same.

Would you post the link with the list of retailers ? I find the following on the TABC web site “Following the district court ruling, TABC made an Out of State Wine Only Package Store Permit available to out of state retailers. However, no permits were ever issued” That’s not surprising given the ruling required permitted retailers to comply with all relevant TX laws, including having to purchase their products from a TX wholesaler.

Scott’s post sounds like what I’ve read. Where’s Tom Wark? No doubt he’d have the latest Texas info. The wholesale lobby certainly is especially strong in TX!!!

the “cause” is it is against the law for out of state retailers to ship directly to Texas consumers. the old 3 tier system.

I know many here in TExas who order from out of state, but you do so at your own risk.

Wonder how much $'s Southern and their ilk gave to TexAS politicians?
But hey, the NRA will support your right to interstate gun sales without background checks because it is so much safer than wine.

It sucks… I’ve had good luck with WTSO and luckily just received a shipment earlier this week from them.

Link is here: https://www.tabc.state.tx.us/public_information/notices/2012/wineShipping.asp