Cure for the Common Cold?

I’m in that phase where I’m snotty and can’t smell a thing.

Usually I switch to hard liquor and bitters and try to burn the damn virus out. Neti pots have failed. Wondering if anyone else has better means of restoring olfaction and, hence, wine enjoyment.

Looking forward to this one.

I’ve been functional, but under the weather since Halloween or before. Getting sick of this.

Unlikely a common cold virus. See your doctor.


The real stuff, the stuff you have to give your name, drivers license and 1/2 the profits from the meth sales to get.

I’m like you – whiskey in tea or cider. Or just in a nice glass, depending on my mood.

And wasabi. That helps too, but only for a short time. :wink:


There’s no ‘cure’ for the common cold, but this stuff dries out the medium (your sinuses) where the cold virus thrives. My entirely non-medical-professional opinion is that this works pretty well, while also addressing the symptoms.

Rest and layoff of alcohol for a week. Why waste anything worth drinking if you can’t taste it.

The best y’all got is Sudafed? No Wino Folk Remedies?

I feel your pain, Noah. I’ve been waiting for this holiday week, which happens to be my birthday as well, for some time. Been working way too much and needed a break. And I get sick first day up in the mountains. Lots of Cold medicine and sleep. Today I blew it out on a wonderful three hours of cycling through the mountains followed by a sunset hike. Sinuses clear, booze flowing, watching my beloved Florida Gators get abused by Klapp’s annoying 'Noles.

Not over yet but not looking good for Gators. But with almost 40K students, you would think they can find someone to kick a field goal. Obviously not!

Get well soon, all of you.

Noah, Hot Ginger Drink works for some people.

Ladies and gentlemen, the cure for the common cold has probably been around for about 50 or so years. Too bad you won’t know what it is nor can you buy it. Next time you are in the grocery store or drug store, take a look at the aisle with cold and flu medicine. Now imagine how much money would be lost by all the companies making all those drugs, if the cure was available. Hell there might be layoffs and soon knockoffs by foreign countries.

Glenn, maybe you can tell me. In January, 1969, while at Grant Hospital, Travis AFB, my body cast was replaced with a new one to accommodate my weight loss. I was freezing all night and in the morning I was sick and feverish. The doctor was doing rounds with staff about 7:30 AM. He saw I was sick, had the nurse take my temperature and when she replied 103, his reply, (burnt into my memory) “Give him the pill. If it turns into pneumonia, he’ll die.” He stood there until I took the pill. Low and behold, after some sleep until 4 PM, I felt pretty good and was hungry. While I do have allergies, I haven’t had a real cold nor flu since then. At the worst, Day Quil and Ni Quil has been sufficient and never lose a day of work. What do you think they gave me?


You think one dose of Tamiflu takes care of business for 46 years?

Vitamin C? Zinc?

Placebo? Mind over matter is an mazing thing. I am waiting for Glenns response.

I don’t know how widely available this is (the asking price is outrageous):

I believe this helps a cold from developing. Take it at the first sign of that funny feeling in the nose and sore throat high in the back. The kind that hurts when you swallow.

Sorry, Noah, you may be too far along for this. Gute besserung!

Randy, assume they gave you steroids.

Wives and children, lovely as they are, are not co fictive to health. There should be a public health warning attached. :slight_smile:

The “Pill.” In the Air Force, it’s motrin 800 mg, vitamin M.
I did my cardiology rotation in Med School at the old David Grant.