where are board members from?

Where are board members from? choose one that best best fits.

  • 1. LA
  • 2. SF / bay area
  • 3. other CA
  • 4. Portland / Seattle /northwest
  • 5. NYC
  • 6. DC
  • 7. Chicago
  • 8. Minneapolis - St Paul
  • 9. Denver
  • 10. Phoenix
  • 11. Atlanta
  • 12. rust belt
  • 13. midwest
  • 14. Southeast
  • 15. northeast
  • 16. Gulf Coast
  • 17. southwest
  • 18. The West
  • 19. mid Atlantic
  • 20 Intl

0 voters

Just to see what region in the us or if Intl. Kind of expect the majority are from CA / West coast but who knows. I know this is a hugely flawed poll but, I only get 20 options. Rip at will! [wink.gif]

Hmmmm…I thought that that was pretty neat that you listed LosAlamos as first on your poll list until I realized you probably
meant that imposter LA out there on the WestCoast!!! [snort.gif]

Do you mean “from” as “grew up” or live now?

Flawed poll (somebody had to say it!)
What if you live in the “rustbelt” and the “northeast”??

I like the fact that we have “Intl” as opposed to “Toronto, Ontario, Canada” as an option. Makes me seem a lot more sophisticated. [cheers.gif]

Or the Rustbelt and the Midwest?

SF Bay Area. Born and raised here and now live in the East Bay. A great place to live, outside of the earthquakes, fires and drought. :slight_smile:


El Paso, baby! (southwest)

Dallas, TX.

Where is the Texas category?

Sorry, had to do it.

Beat me to it Matt…

Alberta, Canada. Lovely grasslands, terrific Rockies…and the oilsands [cheers.gif] .

I always thought most were from NY with another huge contingent from CA.

And then there’s a sprinkling from elsewhere to add a little color.

Grew up on the edge of the Cotswolds in England, near Oxford, now living in the desert.

Grew up on the edge of the Blue Ridge in Maryland, near DC, now living in the desert.

Ann Arbor MI

Wait - was the OP where people grew up or where they’re posting from? Huge dif.

I’ve gone to the Cotswolds for scones and cream, Blue Ridge for hiking, and Ann Arbor for hot college chicks, but that’s different!

Go blue.

born in MI.
grew up in MN.
live in L.A…

From the land of beer, coffee, Pinot and a few other good reds and whites up this way. Dare I say the land of Bob Wood. [highfive.gif]

Way to reinforce the stereotype of US cultural imperialism and geographic ignorance…
“Everywhere else that is inconsequential and less important than US cities and which I would struggle to find on a map” = 1 category: “Intl”
Perhaps New Zealand is technically South East…