God bless those who are born young and stay young for life

That duck looks great!

Nice lineup Serge. Love to see notes on aged Muscadet. The '94 Insignia is very nice.


I truly believe the key to a great life is never ‘giving in’ to growing up . . . I told my wife that as soon as I was more mature than our youngest to shoot me - and I’m still alive!

Truly hope to share a glass with you one of these days.


Whqt duck?

Nice notes. I tried the 94 insignia about 2-3 weeks ago and agree that’s fantastic and though mature, has a future life ahead of it.

Are the pebbles for Feng Shui?

He didn’t let you eat the duck? [scratch.gif]

Oh that duck? newhere

Ahh, my favorite Muscadet served. I love that wine. 94 Insignia. Awesome bottle of wine. Had it a good number of times, but it has long been gone from my cellar :frowning: Glad it is still kicking butt.

Glad you liked it, I only have one left.