Winemaker / Importer Beware!!

Cra Cra? Pronounced ‘cray cray’, Jamie, as in crazy? That’s completely uncalled for.

I was saying Boo-urns.

That is exactly what he meant. What a childish display of bullying.

This is an interesting read at lunchtime. I didn’t see if Jamie included a disclosure in any of his remarks regarding Leslie. (Disclosure: I consider Jamie and Leslie friends of mine).

As a critic, here is how I handle samples: I or my Marketing Director send an announcement to wineries of upcoming regional tastings and invite them to submit samples or schedule a private tasting. I don’t send out serial receipt responses but what I do when the volume is published is something that I believe is atypical: I send another email to the winery offering them a complimentary link to see what I wrote about their wine. It costs me nothing to do it and creates more awareness of the magazine. IUt is interesting to see that wineries who didn’t send wines are the first to login. :slight_smile:

As I read it Nola was upset because Leslie did not acknowledge her inquiries. Nothing more and nothing less. However I think these kinds of issues should remain between the parties and not aired in a public forum unless exceptional circumstances exist.

Maybe, maybe not. But look at what Nola wrote - she wanted to promote the region.

Knowing Nola and how hard she works to promote her region and wines, and looking at the note, Leslie suggested that she send the wines to her office. Don’t know where the libel is.

It’s not my area of practice, but essentially libel is publishing or broadcasting a damaging untruth and in this case, all Nola did was publish opinions, to which she’s entitled.

In any event, reviews are increasingly, or should I say decreasingly, trustworthy IMO. Everyone and his brother is now a critic or blogger and looking for wine. I feel bad for some of the wineries because they’re hoping for some buzz and even if they get it, it’s only going to affect one or two people. Leslie goes on the Today show and reaches a lot more, but if she’s got to be paid, what’s the worth?

I just rec’d a case of wine from someone I don’t know from a country I’ve never done any business with and I’m not even a reviewer! I wish those folks well but it was a misfire to send me the wine. However, I will most certainly contact them and give them my opinions, if they wish - seems just like common courtesy.

I’m with Nola. Nola has class. The others, well…


Does your wife now, or did she in the past, work for or with Leslie Sbrocco? If the answer to either of those questions is yes, don’t you think you should have mentioned that salient fact in at least one of your increasingly intemperate posts?

Sometimes, pictures speak volumes. Sometimes, it only takes a brief encounter with someone to see their true colors. Sometimes, people cover themselves with their own excrement. Sometimes Karma is a Bitch. When I was still a friend of Leslie’s on FB she had some nice photos of herself with Sting on the NBC’s Today Show set on the 24th of September. She was there on the set with Sting and this was on Jamie’s and his wife’s FB page and still was at the time of this posting because he has yet to block me.
Kutch Sting Sept 24th.jpg

So I will pose the question that other WB winemakers have asked me as well, “Do you think his connection to Leslie got him this autograph and all the free product placement”? Do you think that his fire flash and insults to me were because of his (not his wife’s) connection to Leslie?

I do not have thick skin, his rhetoric hit me like a brick in my face. But I have my integrity and my own inner strength of which will not let this childish bully call me a liar or crazy when I am neither.

Σκύλα του σύμπαντος

By odd coincidence, Sting and I are in the same tantric yoga class at the “Y”. I’ll ask him what he thinks next time I see him.

[quote=“Nola Palomar”
I do not have thick skin, his rhetoric hit me like a brick in my face. But I have my integrity and my own inner strength of which will not let this childish bully call me a liar or crazy when I am neither.
Good for you, Nola. You know whose posts here crossed a line of reasonableness, regardless of anything else we don’t know (and your posting of the email Jamie said doesn’t exist makes the issue at hand look pretty clear as well).

Those who stoop to gratuitous insult should be ashamed but probably are not.

+1. He’s a jerk. Full stop.

I disagree here. This is public, but it is intended for ITB people and Nola posted here. If it was the general forum I might agree, but this forum exists to help ITB people.

Well played, Peter

Absolutely. There is not only ZERO wrong with Nola posting this, to me it is essential that she does so. I would be pissed if the same thing happened to me, especially if it happened to someone else and they stayed silent.

There is everything wrong with what Sbrocco did. There is nothing wrong at all with what Nola did here.

On another note, it really blows me away how low the bar is for professional correspondence these days. It’s like people see “email” (or “instant message”) and they think writing doesn’t matter anymore.

This is a forum open to all, hence a general forum with an emphasis on ITB. I just think personal insults going back and forth do not really cut it regardless of who the target audience is. I have done this on occasion, and in retrospect, it was not the right thing to do.

I do not think Nola was wrong for being upset, and have nothing but respect for her posts, but the personal stuff is really not helpful.

As someone new in the business I find this topic valuable if I mentally delete the squabble. Since I am a newbie this subject makes me think more deeply about avenues for product recognition…thank you Nola. It seems to me that the business should be seeing responsible bidirectional communication when product is exchanged between winery and wine tasting professional/reviewer. If it is more common to hear nothing back than to be directly, or indirectly, contacted then I think there is something missing in this relationship and a new expectation needs to be set. Eighteen months is a long long time before a response is made…Gary

Several months ago, I pretty much stopped participating on this site, it was in some respects similar to Nola’s issue and feeling pushed and bullied without substantial reason. Todd knows the details, and we will leave it at that, but if you guys wonder why the winemakers/owners tend to wander away, this thread is a prime example.
Jamie, first of all, there is nothing in the winemakers handbook, which of course you know we all have to read and pass the test to get our “winemakers license” that requires us to have thick skin. It’s simply not part of test. Do you have your license ? If so, what year was it issued. Just trying to figure out how much of an expert you are in this industry. Oh, I think I remember you starting in about 2005 as a hobby, but then like many you cashed in your chips and decided to go for the gusto… of course putting your name on the label - in case you dont realize, you have been very lucky with your success but along with that seems to come a wee bit of arrogance which is never pretty. Humility is far more becoming and welcomed.

“I will vouch for Leslie Sbrocco 100% with my name and company fully behind me”.

I have no idea who Leslie is, but common courtesy says you respond that you simply received the samples requested with a kind thank you. From what I am reading, that did not happen. That is the gist of Nola’s concern as I understand it.
As someone close to the industry, its amazing how many folks are in the business of “rating”, evaluating wines these days. Heck, just look at Erics website and everyone is a critic. Its difficult at best to determine those that have a palate, those that have a following and those that simply believe they know more than you or I do.
But, calling Nola a Liar was totally out of line, calling her crazy was equally as bad, and suggesting she is liable is just not your call.
I’ve only watched her interactions here and believe she is a kind, honest and very hard working person, one that we should be thankful for having in our industry.
You Sir, on the other hand, appear arrogant, judgmental and totally out of line here. I have never had a Kutch wine, and never will given your attitude - I suspect that your wines will taste bitter just as you are. Happy to see you are putting your company`s reputation behind your crass comments, arrogance and ego. Perhaps others will see this and make a choice about buying your wine, remember, its always a choice our wonderful customers make, and its not always about the wine, often it’s about the personal connection - which you have based your business model on. I wish you well.
Perhaps an apology is appropriate, but only you can make that call.