What's the worst thing about wine?

The alcohol.

If wine did not have alcohol (and still tasted the same) I would not drink anything else.

I understand David’s point about the alcohol getting in the way of drinking more of delicious wines, but I guess I’ll go with all those who’ve cited the expense, which includes storage costs and effort.

Huh, never. Is there a demonstrable nexus or are you experiencing something else?

Reviewers and their high scores dramatically driving up the cost of wine
High or low scores awarded to wine that don’t make any sense. Unethical reviewers.
In some cases, too many middle men in the supply chain that add cost.
Government laws prohibiting cross border shipping and online buying.
Rarely see cost reduction in an off vintage.

My pain comes from shipping and storage.

It’s not 1982 and when it was I was broke and underage.

you have GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease. Classic. See ENT or take 40 mg Nexium prior to drinking, sleep w bed on incline, don’t go to bed w full stomach, lots of other suggestions abound. You are refluxing, old man. Nexium will be life-changing.

Apparently living in Texas is the worst thing about wine. Maybe this will help curtail my spending.

Reflux? Really? I thought it sounded more like an allergic reaction. But you’re the doctor, Alan!

Sounded like both.

For me it’s the alcohol. I pay attention to most things I eat or drink - tea, chocolate, olives, cheese, bread, etc, and none of them get me drunk.

Second is the fact that you have to wait for so many wines. I’m an American. I’m impatient.

I’m with Brad on the single bottle (or maybe two or three) and not being sure of optimum time to open.
Also, the space wine takes up in my two-bedroom condo.
The expense or unavailability of older vintages I would like to own (especially with red Burgundies.)

TCA & premox.

generally the negative effects on the consumer’s physical well-being. between excessive intoxication (inability to drive), alcoholism, hangovers on one end… caloric intake, liver issues, etc. on the other.

that’s the huge #1 to me. #2 would be far behind, and would be the cost of buying the best stuff. look what beer costs … i would love to be able to buy the 95-99th percentiles of wine quality and collectibility for even close to what those beers cost… even if you took into account the marginal production cost of wine.

I am not an ENT but had many if these symptoms, did some reading, saw an ENT and GI, started Nexium and have had no problems since.

What are the worst things about wine? Outside of the money?

I’ll take a crack at it:

1) The Snob aka The Douchebag

As someone mentioned, the snobbery. I call it the “Douchebaggery”. I think we’ve all been guilty of projecting this from time to time. I make a true conscious effort not to be “This Guy”. It is hard though when an acquaintance asks me to recommend a wine and then mentions their Go-To wine is Riunite.

a. I’ve been fortunate to meet some really great and fun people through wine, but I have to admit, the Snobbery that bothers me the most is when someone looks own their nose at you because you are a fan of a Cali Cab and you haven’t (for example) “discovered the wonders of 1r Cru Burgundy”… Yeah? f*ck off.

b. The snobbery that also chaps my ass is being at a winery and they act like you should be kissing their ass for the honor of tasting their wines. This happens so much that it’s truly disheartening. How about a little humility? After all, it’s only fermented grape juice… nectar of the gods? Yes… but as I love to say “everyone calm the f*ck down” Don’t take yourself or wine too seriously.

2) Corked Gems

Opening up a bottle you’ve had stored for a LONG time. It’s your ONLY bottle even though you knew you should have bought more… and it’s corked. God, that is the worst. All the anticipation and to pour it down the sink? A killer to me.
3) The Shotmeister…

The last thing that bothers me is this… The scenario is you’re opening some nice bottles. These are bottles to be cherished, bottles that you should take some time to enjoy… or not. And there is one person there that decides its funny or appropriate to just gulp it back and slam it… and then exclaims “What’s NEXT?! What’s the BEST/MOST EXPENSIVE BOTTLE you have?! I want THAT next!” I don’t consider myself being a snob at this point, this person is just an a$$hole.

Anyhow, those are my takes, outside of the obvious cash issue discussed previously.

Being disappointed by a wine you had high hopes for, whether because of premox, taint, over-hype, etc. the list goes on. The inverse is one of the greatest things, IMO.

The involvement of the industrial liquor industry.


Without question the worst thing about my wine passion is the brevity of my life expectancy.