What's the most misunderstood white grape variety?

Huh? The question was “What’s the most misunderstood white grape variety?” and you answered “Muscat”.

It’s okay to clarify what you meant. It’s not okay to lash out and imply that I misread anything. Maybe next time if you actually bother to type more than one word you could be the one to explain your point instead of just assuming people somehow will interpret an extreme in vagueness a particular way.

“Lash out”? Imply something about you? Good grief, what is wrong with people here?

I wrote “muscat” to refer to the entire family of grape varieties that aren’t really a single variety at all but are commonly confused/misunderstood as such. Indeed, I find that many people understand “muscat” to be a single grape that is used to make one type of wine (the cheap, sweet stuff found in grocery store aisles). When you responded, I agreed with you and noted that the variation you described is part of the “problem” in terms of this common misunderstanding. If I lacked clarity and failed at my homework assignment, I’m sorry.

This forum is becoming more tiresome than enjoyable. Everyone needs to calm down.

It was a scolding tone in claiming to have said something you clearly didn’t. That’s by definition accusatory. You started out with “I intentionally referred to them collectively.” You posted a single word in the singular in response to a question to name a single variety. You are right in your implication that a school teacher would’ve given you a big red ‘X’ for that one. So, why are you casting blame outward? You’re still claiming to have been clear. You are being overly defensive, and now you’re blaming the whole forum?


Outside of gym class, after school -

I don’t even know how to respond to this. I just posted earlier today in the Premier Cru thread suggesting that people should think more carefully about their public behavior in this forum. That seems apt here. This is a thread about misunderstood grapes – it is not a MMA match or political debate. I have not blamed anyone, lashed out at anyone, made any “claims” or accusations, or intended to imply anything about anyone.

My frustration with the forum (meaning “Wine Talk” as a whole) is that every single thread seems to deteriorate into this nonsense. It seems to be getting worse, to the point that I rarely consider participating anymore. I don’t understand why everything needs to be so caustic.

If anyone else thinks I lashed out about the grapes, or made accusations, or whatever other sin I committed by posting here, please forgive me. Now please resume discussion of grapes… yes, grapes, which I suspect can be a topic free from controversy and boiling tempers.

The summer heat is clearly getting to people. I recommend a glass of misunderstood Chenin Blanc as a tonic.

On the Muscat note, I opened an 07 Muller-Catoir for some young wine professionals a few weeks ago - blew their mind, and mine as well.

The question was most misunderstood white grape, not white guy

You misread his tone in a post, Wes, no big deal. Swipe left and move on.

I’m about to pop a bottle of “Bug Juice.” I got a chuckle when I saw the bottle in the store and had to give it a whirl. I’m guessing it will not make my top 10 wines, but hey, it has an amusing name.

Post a note. Or at least a score!

I don’t do scores… but I can do a note!

Wow. I’m not sure what to say about it. Look at the foam in these photos. The “Bug Juice” has no apparent alcohol and is more of a fizzy juice that tastes like marshmallows and cotton candy.

So it’s a bad party vodka mixer waiting to happen? Is it made from grapes? Is it misunderstood?

I hate to admit this, but it tastes good. Just not as “wine.”

Edit: The initial amusement wore off, and now it’s just gross.


Vote here for Pinot Blanc.

Tried asking for more level headed and adult discourse several times and got lambasted, so I go with the flow - which, as you’ve noticed, is immature bickering. Sprinkle in some misplaced aggression, a healthy dollop of looking to be offended, and a cup of reading too much into other members’ posts and you have the Berserker recipe. A big dash of arrogance is optional, and almost always opted for. Mix and repeat…and repeat… and repeat… and repeat… ad nauseam.

“Tasted twice, with inconsistent notes.”

I enjoy Riesling, but like Chardonnay can taste very different based on the winemaker. Do people in general assume it’s just a sweet white wine? If you see trocken isn’t that enough to know it’s not?

It got worse with each sip. It is now down the drain, and I’m appalled with myself.


Riesling is the most misunderstood grape that people actually know about. Whether is is Sekt, Trocken, Domestic Late Harvest, Kabinett, Trockenbeerenauslese, Semi-Dry, Feinherb, Ausbruch, Grosses Gewachs, Eiswein, etc., but at least you know its Riesling from the label.

Chenin makes comparable wines across many of those categories and a lot of people wouldn’t know the grape that made the wine in question was Chenin Blanc from the label.