What's in YOUR garden?

I had bottom rot last year. First time having it. What’s the fix?


Correct. Get a spray from your local garden center. To prevent in the future you can till some lime into the soil.

I will check back in Sunday my garden is just starting to pop with everything. Exciting stuff to come.

The first actual “crop” to come off this year: a new variety of radish for us (I need to call Territorial Seed Co. and find out the variety…I just can’t remember):

Tomatoes in patio pots, growing well.

Groundhogs!!! They’re having a total banquet on my tomatoes and flowers. Found one yesterday inside the fenced enclosure. Ran inside and grabbed my B.B. gun pistol. I know I hit him at least once. Take that you thieving monster!!! You’ll have to let your imagination carry you!

This is what’s left of a beautiful hibiscus and marigolds.

Amish paste tomatoes, 2-3 x the size of Roma’s

That’s so frustrating isn’t it, Nola? After the work and time and waiting for enjoyment just to have them eat it all. Grrrr…

Stupid varmint hasn’t been back yet. I think I stung him good with the BB gun. I had wondered why the plants were all hanging down and drooped over the fence that they are enclosed in…they had been climbing the fence…give me one more try… deadhorse

I swear it’s like Caddyshack here at my house. They are so brazen that one walked up behind me while I’m sitting here under the gazebo like less than 5 fr from me. I had my BB gun right there though!!

One of the advantages of living in an apartment with just a patio is that we don’t have to worry about varmints. Of course we are also quite limited in what we can grow! We have some herbs and a relatively healthy cherry tomato plant this summer. I will say that a few years ago we had some finches that seemed to really like our thyme. That seems not to be the case this year… And the hummingbirds seem to like some of the plants we have put out for them!

One down, who’s next??

roasted or fried? Ironic if you serve him with the vegetables.

How about on a spit!

lots of Peruvian cuy recipes . . .

I took him to an area where n the other side of the river and released him. I definitely was entertaining the other though. The rest of his family is still under the deck!

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming

poblano peppers
cherry tomatoes - But I really need that BB gun, although the chipmunks tend to commit suicide in my swimming pool

My mom catches over 100 every summer using a simple 5 gallon bucket chipmunk trap.

Just looked up the “design specs.” I have to get clearance for the non-humane system from the rest of the family, and then I’m all it.

Things are just beginning to ripen for us. Here’s a video of my vegetable garden. All of it in raised beds due to the gophers and fenced due to our pup Taz.


The tomato varieties I forgot the names of were first Barnes and then Hillbilly. The horse troughs that I grow them in either have bad soil in them or just aren’t conducive to healthy tomato plants because the last two years everything planted in them has been scrawny looking and borderline diseased.

There were also a couple I missed in the video.


Red Cherry

Cucumbers 101: Whichever bowl you take to pick cucumbers will be two sizes too small.