We need an official Berserker identifier, so how about this . . .

I’m the guy with “Poor impulse control” tattooed on the forehead.

I vote for a big, gold Super Bowl Ring type identifier. It has to flash like C Fu and be as memorable as a Bill Klapp post. In the spirit of Maison Ilan, though, you pay for it now, and in two years when it doesn’t show up you blame Amedeo.

One word for my favorite possibility:


OMG yes! Colloquially, they will refer to us as WineShriners?

[rofl.gif] [rofl.gif]

Astute observations. Spit wine on my computer screen. This post is my first entry for post of the year 2015.

How about the Berserker guy and barrel atop a cork screw that you wear in (screw into) your pierced ear, nose, nipple or whatever. Double duty.

Point of order.

Flyertalk had a pin available for sale about 10 years ago. Maybe they still do. I few people had the pin (cough). The idea was that if you spotted my pin on a flight, you would approach me. Conversation of miles and points after that. What worked better was luggage tags. They were sold for $1.50. Flyertalk has a thread in the Community forum about Flyertalk luggage tag sightings. Just my 2 cents/points.

The pin always left a hole. pepsi

Cool, Dan. We could affix the tag to a belt loop on our cargo shorts.

To bring it back, jay, id buy one :wink:

49% will have striped dress shirts with bright colored inside cuffs ;D.

That’s me!

5% will be wearing dresses.

And another 3% are women… [highfive.gif]

Spit cup w/ logo

This thread is currently in the lead for the “2015 Race to the Bottom” award.

A little pin is just not gonna cut it. It wont be visible across a crowded tasting room or restaurant. I think you’ve gotta go with the horned helmet.

I was thinking wine colored shirts with the berserker logo

Yeah, the new logo is less ‘offensive’…

How about a properly placed grape leaf? Works for both sexes…



Why don’t we just make a phone case since everyone spends so much time taking pics of their wine!

Hawaiian shirt theme?