TN's: 2 days of Heaven: aged Lambics and Gueuzes (& an Orval) -- @ Akkurat Bar in Stockholm (w/pics)

Just found this thread; wow Brian, that is an amazing tasting. I think people tend to make their own luck more often than you think; great work!

That price is really too high. I agree, though, that there are worse ways to spend $26, but it’s hard to imagine all good gueuze would be that expensive in your market.

i’m more surprised that it isn’t in 375. There’s a lot of hanssens available in my area in that size. A 750 of a gueuze is a lot to drink

If you really like the stuff it isn’t! The amount of gueuze I can consume in any one sitting is bounded only by legal BAC limits and/or physiology.

all that aside, I will acknowledge that, for most folks, gueuze doesn’t go down as easily as water; it certainly can be a style of beer that is more demanding of the palate than many others.

The main reason I never buy any, way too much to drink myself.

brian, I love gueuzes, but 750s make it tough for me

From an abv side of things, a 750 of Gueuze is child’s play. From a tooth enamel perspective, it’s tough sledding…

^exactly. And I’m a guy who loves searingly acidic wines

I just stumbled onto this thread. Holy mother of funk, you hit the jackpot there Brian!

Just saw this. Sweet read!! Thanks for sharing…

just saw this. i’m in stockholm every year. looking forward to checking this place out. thanks for sharing.

Ryan, go with your wallet, a full stomach, and a hydrated system!

Haha. Wallet for sure. Some of those bad boys are 100 bucks a pop.