The Coffee Thread?

My local coffee shop (which buys their beans from a local roaster every 2 days) had an Ethiopian for a few months that was pretty special. My current favorite is their Bali thought the Rwandan is pretty good too.

It sounds like we have similar tastes; we should get together sometime. I will bring the Guatemala Huehuetenango and my famous green chicken chili. You can bring the DRC.

At least they don’t call you “toothsome”, Corey. That could be a problem.

I’m not condemning anyone who drink Starbucks coffee; I drink plenty of it myself. But, I worked many years ago with a former VP at Starbucks who also confirmed that they over roasted coffee beans to get a consistent flavor, which I inferred is also hiding deficiencies.

Come visit Seattle some time and hit up their reserve tasting experience. Still a ton of great coffee around the area, but I enjoy some of their reserves via vacuum set-up. Also cool to try vacuum, pour-over and Clover, side-by-side.

Whether it hides deficiencies, heavy roasting is a way to have a signature that’s relatively easy to put on coffee that has to be distributed nationwide. It adds a flavor element, too, for better or worse.

My impression is that coffee, especially good coffee, is grown on relatively small plots so finding a nationwide supply of anything is not easy. Heavy roasting would seem to blur any differences in the batches.

The “blueberry coffee” is the Panama Elida natural (or dry) process, which Klatch has from time to time. I think that the fruity flavor gets a big assist from the natural process.

^ listen to Doug. He’s like a zen master about coffee, wine, food, pretty much everything.

And I’m serious too.