The Art of Sine Qua Non……thoughts and impressions...

It seems as some folks are confusing their aesthetic judgments about art with the definitional issue of what IS art. Just because you like something doesn’t make it art, and conversely just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it isn’t art…


I liked this……“Modern artist: Someone who paints on a canvas, wipes it off with a cloth, and sells the cloth.”

I went to art school and have a degree in design… practiced the craft for 13+ years professionally, until I said “No mas”. Technically speaking, design is not art, although it can be very creative and evocative. Additionally, illustrations aren’t considered art and illustrators are not considered ‘artists’. Having said that I believe many illustrators blur the line.

Technically, I’d view the SQN bottle image a design, even if it came from a painting. Once you add typography and attach a commercial purpose (market a product), it becomes design. The Raven on the book jacket cover fits the text book definition of an illustration.

I disagree. At some point you’d have to make the call – create some arbitrary line to say, “yes this is art”. I push the line to the beginning and say whether you like it or not, everything is art. The quality of that art is a different discussion entirely. But then we’d have to have a lengthy Persig-like discussion about the quality of that art.

And this seems to make some people upset for some reason. People spend a lot of money on a lot of crazy things.

And, no, it’s not mine.

I’m not the bidder. My collectors edition arrived today! Very cool.

I must confess this is the first time I will be reluctant to open a wine due to its rarity. I am not talking about monetary value, it would feel wrong to break up the “package”.

Since we are talking about art:

Love that piece–you’re a lucky man!


I still regret drinking my “On Your Toes” wine.

Defend your thesis

BTW, I am not sure how some have concluded that Manfred can’t draw. I don’t know one way or another, but for all I know he was a super realist in art school.

Pablo Picaso was never called an asshole.

I bet he was! Many times.

… not in New York.

Since he spent most of his life in France, I’m sure they had other choice phrases to fling at him in the local parlance. Not that it’s relevant to his standing as an “artist.”


Does that photograph evoke any emotions for anyone here on the board?

Yes. The memory of a great dinner 10 years ago at The French Laundry following an afternoon at Colgin with Mark Squires, Jeff Leve, Charles Morgan, and the late, great Nigel Williams. Ironically, Mark kicked Nigel off the eBob board or he quit (I forget which) shortly thereafter. Dinner was very good and Mark brought a '53 Gruaud Larose.

Ebob is like an old shitstain on my underwear; laundered and forgotten.

During the brief period I lived in London I was fortunate to meet Nigel and have lunch with him and some other folks at St. John in 2008. He was so nice, and very soft spoken (in a good way) and I remember finding it hard to believe that he had been banished from eBob (although I think that is, indeed, what happened). Shared a cab after what was probably a 3-hour extravaganza and remember saying “we’ll need to do this again soon” but it never happened.

Those are the kinds of things that make me realize so many of the conversations where people get up in arms over terroir or alcohol levels are really just noise in the scheme of important matters.

(BTW, I’m totally guilty of the above :slight_smile:

Do you think it had anything to do with how he would walk down the street and girls could not resist his stare?

I would be quite surprised if this is correct. From everything I have heard, he was not a nice guy and has been called a misogynist by many. I do not think his genius, however, is in debate.