Short notice NYC Berserkerfest- Wednesday, March 18th

Let me see if I can swing this. Lot of names I haven’t had the chance to put faces to.

The back room is four tables of ten if it’s completely stuffed. We need to find a 12 Litre of Champagne to relive the olden days of Berserker insanity. Add a helmet and chopsticks and we will be ready.

Updated. Looks like we’re potentially at 45 right now. I’ll have to call the restaurant tomorrow to see about the possibility of more space.

Wow, missed this one until the list got very long but we had a great time at our inaugural berserker event last year at Jay Hack’s so if there’s still room, add allen and me.

Interested +1 if it works out space-wise.

Yeah the back room won’t do at that number. We could do like the year we had the tables in the middle of the room. Though let’s make sure Leo doesn’t go over and try to hug the Venezuelans like last time. She did NOT look happy. [wow.gif]

Yes, but there was that table with the two gorgeous Chinese young ladies and their male counterparts . . .

Me: Sorry we’re so noisy, I hope we aren’t ruining your dinner. what kind of wine do you like?]
Young runway quality girl #1: I really like Opus One
Young runway quality girl #2: I really like Cristal
Me: Oh, that’s crap, let me find you something better.
Me (Two minutes later with bottles of 1996 Dom Perignon and Schrader): Here, why don’t you try some of these.
Gorgeous Young Ladies: Oooh! These are delicious.
Male counterpart: 狗娘养的,你的阳光,停止让我看起来很糟糕,否则我将砍你的睾丸过。

Rough translation > Son of a bitch, you are the sun, stop to let me look bad, or I will cut your testicles too.

Jay Hack.

Please add me to the list if not too late.

That may not go well. [berserker.gif]

Please add me +1 if there is space.

Please add me. Thanks.

If we keep going like this, we’ll be bigger than the first one, and even the one after that, no? (when we had all the floorspace of the main dining area)

Already had you on there, Steve.

I’d love to be there.
Please add me. possibly with +1 (Wife)

Add me anyway, please. neener

Please add me. Thanks.


Please add me to the list and thank you for organizing what certainly will be a memorable gathering.

Last two events there were terrific, please add me thanks!