SF/Peninsula Offline Feb 8 - Yuzu

Xiao Yang, are you rolling solo or with your hubby? I need to confirm a final number to Yuzu so they can do ordering and prep.

if someone drops out I might take their spot but I’m not asking to be added. if theres a dropout I might not see this thread so text is 408 313 8593. Not sure with the landslides I’ll make it home tonight though and if not that might mean no.

Texted you, George. LMK…

So sorry for the late reply! I am going solo.


George, please join!
However, our wine theme is wine brought with intact bottles.

But he’s such a fan of half bottles…

I’m there

You mean here? or there? Because, you know, wherever you go, there you are.

I mean I’m there. Been there. I thought you guys meant 630 AM.

Guys I’m running late. Be there around 6:50. :frowning: :frowning:

Hi everyone, I am so glad to meet so many new friends - except for Gene, who I’ve already met last time. Many thanks to Dan and Gene for organizing such an awesome evening!


XY - glad you made it!

In fact, I’m glad everyone on the list made it.
Was another great line up !

Yes, a lot of fun last night and excellent wines. XY, glad you’ve joined our group!

I stopped reading here neener


You guys! pileon pileon …poor Gene, with friends like you guys, he doesn’t need any enemies! neener

I found this note (not mine) on my wine in some dark corner of WB and thought I would post it here:

2001 Chave St. Joseph was really beautiful. I’m not a garrigue fan but the garrigue here was like Thai food for white people, gentle, but I don’t ever want more of it than this, just wow in every aspect, beautiful wine.