SF Bay Area/ Peninsula Offline - YUZU, May 3 at 6:30PM

I started a waitlist.
But honestly, I don’t think we ever have had a problem getting everyone in who wanted to come since there are always last minute lame, er, I mean dropouts.

Vamsi, are you good for May 3rd as well as May 10th? Trying to narrow down which day we want to do this.

I am good with either dates

This guy is a maniac. He’s confirming one offline while simultaneously consuming mass quantities at another [wow.gif] [cheers.gif]

Like you?

You have two Rich’s listed… not sure if I missed the other Rich or it was accidentally doubled. :slight_smile:

It’s just another privilege of the Rich.



I am late anyways - put me on the waitlist please. And only able to do the 17th.

I deleted Rich #2, bumped Vamsi up, and placed Cindy on waitlist.

Can we settle on a date ASAP?

Andrew, have Chiara’s travel plans been confirmed? If so, then we’ll do May 3rd (sorry Rich #1).

If she can do the 10th, then we’ll go with May 10th (hope Dan can get his schedule right for that day).

Let us know, and we’ll have Dan adjust the thread title and OP.

Just heard her conf call; back to Paris so she will only be here for the 3rd but if the 10th is what works best for the group, no worries and she will catch the next one.

Sorry, Rich. We do May 3rd, only you wouldn’t be able to attend. We do May 10th, then Chiara is definitely out and Dan is just a maybe to make it.

So the date will be May 3rd. Dan, please adjust the title of the thread and your OP to reflect that. I’ll ping the Yuzu proprietor that we will be showing up then.

Rich, hopefully the next time we go there, you’ll be attending then.

I changed thread title/date.

Same usual time - 6:30?

Same bat channel?

Everyone good with the following:

  1. 6:30PM start
  2. Bring your own stems
  3. $60 food cost resulting in $82/person total after tax and 25% tip? BRING CASH.

Works for me!

Was it that much before?

Can’t remember if it was $50 or $55 before tax/tip previously. Rough month for you?