Seeking an Under-40's Tasting Group North Bay SF

GregT - seems this fellow also doesn’t want women since he wants to “vent without the misses” (sic).

Happily, can’t imagine any of us would want to drink with him.

You missed a bit. He want to venture outside “the confines of the misses.”

I think you lot should give poor Jason a break. He’s obviously got some serious oedipal issues going on (“It’s about time I venture outside the nest”). Well maybe that’s not a reference to his wife/partner and he still lives at home with Mom. At any rate, he is bravely trying to strike out on his own. The least you could do is give him some support. (Now where is that sarcasm gif?)

Oh dear.

oh the poor little fellow…

Thanks Katrina!

This new group could use a den mother. Ladies, is there a volunteer?

As an original Gangsta of the female persuasion and of mature status, I was going to volunteer. I would need travel expenses paid since I am not located in that area.

Grammatical and spelling advice would be thrown in gratis.

Only if you and Mr. Tuite break through that velvet rope and hold all the doors open. I am not into tasting groups, other than when I need to taste my own and want other opinions. Other than that, I’ll just let the old guys lose bets and provide stellar bottles.

Good thing Napans aren’t welcome!

Excellent. I know you’ll have the requisite tact so that our budding balla won’t feel that he’s getting tangled up in the apron strings again.

Now we need to determine Misses vs Missus and the Mrs. Even I am confused.

What varieties or varietals will be tasted?

I do hope he lets us know when he summons the courage to leave the nest. At least “the nest” sounds better than those living in their mothers’ basements, dressed in their undershorts. Or something like that. Geesh.

You are too old, Nolan. Everyone is.

Rough crowd. I’m almost starting to feel for the guy.

I am laughing out of my chair. Really? Seriously?

Hey now… I fit into the “maybe” category. I just wonder how one gets from a maybe to a yes. [shrug.gif] [beg.gif] [pwn.gif]

I said “Almost”!

It worked!
He’s a chick magnet!

The guy was trying to put together a tasting group and gets crapped on here by folks aged out by his criteria. You old folks sound like a bunch of schoolchildren picking on the new kid in class. He’s free to choose whatever age limit he so desires for his tasting group. Maybe he doesn’t like aged wine, maybe he doesn’t like to sit around and discuss the scene in 1970’s California, maybe he wants to connect with people in his demographic to expand friendships beyond just wine. Geez, give the dude some grace. (And, FYI, I’m aged out of his profile)

I have a 73 yr old Uncle who will only date women under 30. Hasn’t had a date in 40 yrs. just sayn.

Right idea, though. I like the cut of his jib!